Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Sweet Sixteen Challenge

Hello and  good evening, dear readers! How are you enjoying the last day of the year? :)

So you're probably wondering what's with the title and the rather odd banner that you see up there. Well, I'm here to explain.

For the month of January, I decided to challenge myself! (As usual. I bet none of you are actually surprised...) The challenge I gave myself was to do sixteen character development posts, whether shorts, graphics or playlists.

So that I could really have fun, I decided to split the challenge into two categories. 

Eight challenges will be for the development of Arzen Venura. (The Shoujo Parallels)

And the other eight will be for the development of Arianne Maxwell. (Alternate Death Note universe)

If you also check out River's  blog, she also did something like this, but all sixteen was for Elaine Rivers. I decided to put my own twist for the two wonderful OCs. 

Am I excited? Hell yes.

I won't limit them to just those two, though! As a small...preview, I'll let slip that I'm planning to make a playlist for Technika (TSP), and for Squad A (DN). :3 

The period will run from January 1 to January 31! Let's hope I get all those done as soon as possible. :D 

Have a great New Year, and an amazing 2014!

My love for Elsa knows no bounds.

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