Thursday, March 20, 2014

An Overindulgence in Drink

Stressful investigations usually prompted her to drink. The bottles could be found anywhere - she had a large number at home (located inside the topmost cupboard in the dining room) with the glasses to match, she hid a few in her office in the hidden nooks and crannies of her desk. She knew it was against protocol, but hell. Peters nicked two one time (and gave the other to Olsen), and Touta nearly told on her for drinking during work hours, even if she locked herself inside the office.

She tried to stop before it would turn into an addiction. She had Touta's eyes on her, Peters casting looks whenever he spotted her with circles under her eyes and no make up on her face. It had been months, long and extremely agonizing months of trying to control it. Even Matt had decided that it was enough. 

Shots were limited to two. Wine was heavily guarded. Even going to bars was to be supervised. As grateful as she was for the help, she couldn't help but feel frustrated. She attempted to smoke to rid of the itch, but goddamn. Those things were terrible and didn't taste how they tasted when Matt would kiss her. 

(He knew that she nicked one. That coughing fit didn't come from nowhere.)

She managed, at least. 

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