Saturday, March 15, 2014

Speed Limits: An OTP Challenge Prompt

Whenever she had her riding gear on, Matt knew that A had to let off some steam.

So when he glanced up from the newspaper and saw her in full leather, he cocked a brow and allowed himself to smile at the sight of her. “Going for a run?”

Her green eyes flecked towards him and she nodded, briefly looking down to readjust her boots. “Yeah. Work was a bitch. It’s taking me a lot to not physically consume every single bottle of liquor right now.” She was laughing, yet the tense note in her voice made him realize that she was dying for a long ride. Matt nodded himself and set the paper down, rising from the couch and pocketing his phone. “You going out with Matsumoto, baby?”

“No.” a wolfish grin appeared, “Take me with you. On the ride.”

“What? No,” she shook her head and pocketed the keys, “I can’t. That makes two people to worry about now. You should stay.”

“But darling,” A could practically hear the whine, “I want to go with you.”

“J was honestly terrified when I stopped in front of HQ just to pick her up.”

“But that’s J. Under the tough exterior, she’s as soft as cookie dough. I’m harder than she is.”

“Yeah, right.” The Englishwoman rolled her eyes and took the sleek, black helmet. “I’m not kidding you. When it’s dark out – like now – I go out there and abuse the fucking traffic laws…well, at least when the speed limit is pretty high. I ride twenty minutes away and just let go.”

“I can take you.”

“You can’t.”

“No stopping me,” he walked to her and picked up another helmet – her spare – and tucked it under his arm. “I’m going to ride with you, whether you like it or not.”

His girlfriend gave a hard stare. Despite her slim frame and five foot four inches, she could stare anyone down and seem like a six footer. Finally, she heaved a sigh.

“Fine. But you’re going to have to change into something darker and wear that leather jacket I gave you.”


Full black.

She had to admit, it made him look even sexier. He had the helmet on and his phone was deeply tucked into his tight jeans, shirt plain and in a simple v-neck style.

“You should wear that more often.”

“In this crap? I’d rather be a vibrant man,” he said after pulling at the sleeve of the jacket. She shook her head and got on the motorcycle, turning to lift a brow at him when he didn’t move.

“I’m driving. My baby, my rules.”

“You love that thing more than you love me,” Matt grumbled. Underneath the helmet, she couldn’t help but let the smile come to her red-stained lips.

“You have your Xbox. I have my motor.” She started up the engine and the black vehicle let out a roar, “Hands around my waist, babe. I don’t want you to fly away like marijuana in a crime scene.”

“I can take it,” he reiterated, but she interrupted him.

“Hands on my waist, or get off.”

Taking this as a warning symbol, he did what she instructed.

She hunched slightly and he swore he could feel-slash-see her muscles tense. She released a quick, derisive laugh – and in that moment, he felt every fiber of his being regret that he even wanted to join her in the first place. A whispered something – something he wouldn’t have heard over the sound of asphalt screeching under the tires – but as his body was tightly pressed against hers, he could hear the smallest whisper, the faintest sound of her accent spiraling into the cold Tokyo air.

“It’s just me against the limit.”

A shiver overcame him. Who knew that under the gracious, sophisticated and ladylike demeanor of his girlfriend (despite her wilder and fiery side that only he knew) lay a road devil who ignored the rules of the ride? She wouldn’t dare go against the law, it would burn her to do so.

This, however…this was different.

Homes and cars and trees faded away into nothing, and the sound of travel overcame his ears. Matt shut his eyes and let himself feel, feel the thumping of his heart as the exhilaration of the ride got to him. He didn’t realize it, but his grip on her got tighter and he felt that if he let go, he would fly away – just like marijuana in a crime scene, as she had worded it earlier.

A, on the other hand, was amused. Away her worries went anger and frustration with the day. It flew under the tires and went God-knows-where, and she knew that she was better, calmer, one with her motorcycle and the road as she travelled with her lover clinging to her from behind. One with the sky and mechanism, gone was the pent up stress and negativity. It was like some kind of cleansing, except more physical and dare she say it, wilder.

The city lights faded and she merely drove on across a long road. Momentarily, she had forgotten that Matt was desperately clinging for his life right behind her. The snap of pain got to her and she allowed herself to slow down, wondering if he got the message to extract his nails from her before she bled.

Thankfully, he did.

The long stretch of road was endless. She merely went on and his clinging changed to hugging, and she left off a soft sigh. Somehow, she had a feeling that he’d be tense about it. The motorcycle skidded to a slow stop, settling near a convenience store, and she removed her helmet.

“You can let go now.” More amusement than bite. He gingerly removed his arms and took of his helmet, and the sight of his tussled, swept hair made her want to kiss him and tease that a grown man couldn’t take such speeds. “Were you afraid?”

“For my life?” he sounded a little breathless, “I think so.”

She smirked. “You were afraid.”

“Was not!” her smirk went on, “Alright. Maybe I was. But for a reason,” he let himself laugh, “Darling, you are one crazy driver. I felt the wind everywhere.”

“It’s the rider’s high,” A replied quietly. “Why I love it so much. Riding in the city is much different, you’re tense about people and traffic, if you’ll crash into that truck or not. But out here,” she threw her arms open and exhaled, “It’s amazing. You get to ride as much as you want, as fast as it allows. And when you’re okay, you can come home as if nothing happened.”

“So when you need to let go…”

“I go on a quick trip. Twenty minutes ,tops. Stop by the store here,” she gestured to the convenience store, “Get some coffee, maybe a beer if I feel like it. Watch, drink, eat. Talk with the locals if I want to, help out someone who needs a bit extra cash or a meal for the night. It makes me feel human, for once – instead of arresting people and making their lives miserable, at least I can make a kid or an elder smile at the sight of ice cream or a hot meal.”
His blue eyes watched her. She was seated on the firm leather of the motorcycle, her hair down and helmet in her hands, watching the night sky with an avid look on her face. “This is why I pursued the job. Help people out, get them in the right direction. I just need to remind myself that I am going in the right one as well. Cars are great,” she shot him a smile, “But this motor is my baby. Bought her after receiving a generous salary and deciding that I wouldn’t hitch with Touta or take a cab home.”

“You honestly scared me with your driving skills.” She raised a brow. “I thought you’d seriously crash. You were great, though – amazing – and I’m sorry I nearly tore you apart,” he apologized, and she couldn’t help but kiss his cheek.

“Calm down. It’s okay – really.”

“I’ll make it up to you when we get home.”

Her green eyes gave a gleam. “Sounds like a deal. But for now,” she got up and extended her hand to him, “I want coffee.”

Matt took it with a small chuckle.

They got home half an hour later, and indeed, she was right.

It was like the troubles had never existed in the first place.

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