Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Summer Joy + Updates!

Hello, dear readers! I've been posting a lot as of late, and the reason why is... *drumroll*

Say hello to Mr. Ben Whishaw, ladies and gents.
So, yes. It's already the gracious, ever-anticipated summer here in the Philippines, which means I can rest up, write and post as much as I want to. I've been watching the Game of Thrones since two days ago, and I'm already hooked. (Team Tyrion, Daenerys, and Jon!) 

There may be a post about that coming soon, as well as a post regarding female characters and complexity. Aside from that, I've got a few ideas for shorts up my sleeve (one for a TSP AU most especially), and if you've noticed, there's a new page right below my banner. 

A new page? Hell yes.
To put a little backstory, I've just finished the amazing Filipino-made comic series entitled Trese, which I may be posting about sooner or later. Trese was just the thing I needed. Because of its brilliance, I was just able to generally plot the whole skeleton of this new project of mine, entitled Vices: A Race.

There are already graphics I've posted, and two Preludes so far. The Preludes are merely tales and short bits of what has happened before the events of Vices. When I start posting the chapters on here (yes, I'll be doing that) the shorts shift and will be entitled as Interludes. The Interludes will be like mini-stories inbetween the events of the actual story. 

Vices is something that I really want to accomplish. A new member of Squad A is going to be introduced (and his FC is none other than the gorgeous Ben Whishaw), and there's going to be a new case. That's all I'll be spoiling for now. 

Updates about other stories:
  • Royal Flush: Total revamp. I'll be rewriting this baby - and with a major twist. After weeks of thinking and writing and plotting, I've decided that the new Royal Flush won't be integrated with the Hetalia Cardverse anymore. Everything will be original.
  • Hysteria will be on a small hiatus for now, while I arrange the other stories.
  • I'll still be working on the Shoujo Parallels universe! Expect something big in the near future...
  • And of course, I won't abandon the Death Note AU that I've been so attached to. 
That's all for tonight! As a bonus, here's a gif that conveys my feelings about the Game of Thrones so far:

But as a friend told me, there is no happiness in that show.

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