Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Foolish Veteran

Years ago, Touta Matsuda was the clown. He wondered how he was able to survive the madness that was Kira, but he figured that it was simply his lucky stars keeping him alive. Prior to the fateful day, he had never shot a man. Others taunted him and called him 'weak', but he didn't have it in him to kill, shoot, or cause harm to anyone else. It went against his moral code. 

Things changed. He eventually did shoot a man (and countless others), got promoted and stopped fooling around. Matsuda - no, Touta - smiled wryly and welcomed new recruits, occasionally taking them out (and eventually taking them home because a certain one of them was in a constant state of drunkenness. He wasn't sure what he did to deserve it.) He led squads and went on investigations often to the north, put in charge of busting drug deals and smuggling, prostitution and all the gory details that went on behind Japan's seemingly calm exterior.

He had one hell of a story. He just wasn't sure if he was ready to tell the tale, even though years had passed and bodies had rotted. 

Matsuda, the fool...now Touta, the veteran. 

He wasn't sure which one he liked less. 

He'd rather stick to Touta Matsuda, thanks. 

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