Tuesday, May 27, 2014

BTS: Achievement (Un)locked

Hello and good evening, dear readers!

Let me get straight to the point: what the hell exactly inspired me to write that short? 

Backstory: A month or so ago, AlphaElaineRivers decided that as a blogsary gift, she would order me a shirt from the Rooster Teeth store. I'm serious - and being a fan of Achievement Hunter as well, I decided to get an Achievement Hunter shirt, specifically, the blue "MOGAR IS COMING" shirt. She, on the other hand, went for Team Nice Dynamite, which I had initially wanted but decided to change for some reason.

Earlier tonight, she tweeted me this:

Hers is the one on the right, mine the one on the left.
The shirts had finally arrived! Since she had ordered them while at Singapore, the shirts are currently at Singapore with her mom. I'll be receiving mine on my blogsary, which is tippity freaking top. So one subject led to another, and I eventually brought this up: what if Daniel and Mathias actually tried on the shirts?

Lo and behold, this baby was born. I wrote it for the luls and for a shirtless Prat um.

So, there it is! RT shirts + a sabaw evening = crack shorts.

And as a bonus, I was able to manipulate...something. XD Enjoy the manips, and goodnight!

Achievement (Un)locked: A Shoujo Parallels AU Short

“I don’t get it.”

“You don't get a lot of things.”

The ginger glared at the other, and exhaled in exasperation. “Vens likes that British guy.”

Daniel furrowed his brows together, “And what about that British guy?”

“Ever since she started watching that Rooster Teeth channel last year, she’s been obsessed.” Mathias gave a small huff of irritation, and Daniel nodded to hide the smirk on his face. “I don’t get how a twenty-six Brit gets her attention. He’s a gamer–”

So are you, Daniel thought.

“–A Slow Motion specialist–”

Said the Maths whiz.

“–and some kind of idiot,” the Frenchman finished.

“Calling the kettle black,” Daniel muttered (to himself), and then cleared his throat. “So what if she does? Let her like the guy. It’s not as if she’s going to the States just to meet him.”

“She wants to work at the company.”

Daniel blinked.

“No offense to Vens, but I think dream’s a little off.”

“So do I. Don’t tell her I say that.” Daniel opened his mouth to speak, but Mathias cut him off. “She got Rivers obsessed, too. She likes the other guy.”

The other stared long and hard at Mathias, Mathias looking back with a puzzled expression before putting the dots together.

“You don’t know?”

“Don’t know what?!”

“For fuck’s sake,” the ginger grumbled, taking out his phone and immediately doing a search. “If Arzen likes that British prick – Gavino or something – then Elaine likes him.”

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Vices: A Race **Chapter 009**

“So a movie was showing last night on HBO,” Peters told Touta as the latter drank from his paper cup, “The one with Morgan Freeman as a cop. You heard of that one?” Touta shook his head. “It was released around mid-nineties. I think it was a favorite of dad’s. Anyway, it had Brad Pitt as Freeman’s partner. Both of them were police.”

“Did this get you anywhere in the case, Peters?”

“I’m getting there, I’m getting there. So, the two of them are investigating a weird series of serial murders. After two victims, they have clues and shit, and then they realize that the victims were set up in some kind of symbolic fashion.”

Touta furrowed his brows, “Symbolic?”

“They believed that the serial killer related his victims to the seven deadly sins.” Both of them remained silent at that, Touta rubbing his temples and Peters merely staring out the windows of A’s office, blankly observing the cars that drove on and on.

“So you believe that our killer’s doing the same?”Peters turned to see A standing in the doorway, clutching at a hot cup of coffee with sunglasses on her face. As she shut the door, Peters gave a tight nod.

“Look, it all makes sense. Gambler is greed. Drug addict is probably gluttony. Prostitute is lust. Seven weeks, seven murders then he wins if he gets all seven without us catching up,” the American told the two, his voice growing tighter as he got the pieces of his theory together. “It works. We search for the next sin, then eliminate potential victims then boom – we catch our killer. We win, he goes to jail, we get our paychecks.”

“It’s not that easy,” A finally said, sitting at her own desk and removing her sunglasses.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

King Righteous: An Achievement Hunter AU Short

The Mad King fell to his knees, staring wide-eyed at the decapitated beast. “Edgar,” he whispered, taking the head of the monster, cradling it in his arms before looking up and hissing. “How dare you,” he spat at the man standing in front, “My best man – my siege – you dare kill a guard of the king–”

“Quite frankly, your Highness, you were the one who offered the challenge to the rest of us.”

“And they all died!” King Ryan’s eyes glinted at the thought, but the twisted smile on his lips disappeared. “Of all the men, you survived. The fool. The idiot decked in green who uses a bow and arrow to get what he wants and fails every single time.” King Ryan cackled momentarily before standing, looking at the man with a loathing look in his eyes. “I never believed that the Gods would grant you the power to overcome Edgar the Mountain.”

“Perhaps they did,” the man replied, looking at the severed head that King Ryan held in his hands. “Perhaps this time, they decided that your reign should end.”

“My reign will never end.”

“It just did, my poor man. It just did.”

King Ryan dropped the head of his beast and went for his sword, but stopped upon seeing this winner, this King raise his bow and aim the arrow right at his head.

“Don’t make me do this,” he said softly. “I am a fair and just man. A fool I may be, but a fool with a kind heart, even towards the most hateful and those with ice wrapping their heart and cruelty plaguing their mind.”

“That will be your downfall,” Ryan smirked and dropped his sword, letting it hit the stone ground with a loud crash, the fair iron striking the surface below. “Geoffrey the First was arrogant. Ray the Red was simple-minded. Mogar the Valiant? He was nothing but a war-waging psychopath–”

Ryan failed to finish his sentence and looked down, spluttering blood from his mouth. An arrow had lodged into his stomach, and he looked back at the new King, who merely looked back with a slight of sadness etched onto his face.

“Geoffrey was a father to all of us. Ray, no matter how child-like, was wise and kind to all of us. And Mogar – Michael,” he felt his throat close up and he nearly choked on his next words, “Michael was my friend. I was his Knight until his death. And you...”

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sparks Ignited: A Shoujo Parallels Acting AU

“So this is what’s happening right now,” Chace said as he recorded himself, “Zac and Imogen are currently doing running a scene for a special prequel episode we’re going to release in about two months.”

“Spoilers!” Julia chirped, suddenly appearing next to him. Chace laughed and extended his iPhone a bit more so both of them could be seen by the device’s camera. “We won’t be revealing much aside from this, but it’s got to do with an upcoming thing with this guy,” she bumped Chace’s shoulder, “And a future arc-slash-story.”

“You’re telling too much,” he teased, and looked back at the camera. “So what we’re going to do is snap some behind the scenes pictures and post them on Instagram for all of you to figure out. Hopefully, Imogen won’t kill us when she sees the pictures posted.”

“Knowing her, she might,” Julia mused. Chace shook his head and both of them gave a wave at the camera before he pressed the ‘stop’ button, Julia immediately bursting into a wide grin. “Imogen and Zac are doing the argument scene.”

“Really?” she gave a nod and skipped right to the venue, where they hung back and watched as they filmed the scene. Imogen, who was dressed in a long light-green nightgown, had her hair down as she turned away from Zac.

“I’m not sick,” she whispered. Zac kept his face neutral, and Julia noted that he wasn’t wearing the crown that he usually wore as Nikolai. “How many times do I have to tell you that, Nikolai?”

“You’re worrying your step-sister–” He tried, looking at her with a pleading expression, "She cares for you day and night, busying herself with your condition."

“So let her worry about me! She has a right,” Imogen shot back, “…why do you care all of a sudden, Nikolai?”

At that, Zac’s eyes softened and he moved closer to Imogen, just as the script had instructed. “I’m always worried about you, Eri. Just tell me what’s wrong.” His hand touched her wrist and she jerked away from his touch, a hurt look coming to his blue eyes. “Eri–”

“Please.” She said this slowly and took a deep breath before continuing, “Don’t.”

Teaser #1: Memoire

"We are skilled fighters, skilled rulers.
But we are as fragile as the ice on the surface of a lake."

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Vices: A Race **Chapter 008**

“Even before he had died, we were in deep waters with the M Corporation. They had helped us in our time of need, and we were in debt.” Ms. Akira brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, “Taro had trouble with it. Being friends with his wife, I was able to console her about it.”

“The M Corporation?”

She nodded. “The big building down the road, ten minutes away. Taro and the company owner, Mr. Matsumoto, were friends. They go quite a while back, he helped out Taro when he started this company.”
Peters rubbed his chin. “Matsumoto…he sounds familiar.”

“He’s quite the businessman.”

“I’ve heard. Akira, do you know anything else about it? Have you noticed how Taro was acting before his death?”

“He was more upset than ever. I think it’s because of how much he was losing at the casino down the road,” she admitted. “His wife told me about it. I swore never to tell. But now that this happened, I figure that I’d share as much as I can without tarnishing Taro’s name.”

“I can promise that you aren’t,” Peters assured her. They continued talking for the next fifteen minutes, Peters finally leaving when he felt that he had enough information. “Thank you for your time, Akira.”

“It’s not a problem.” She bowed, “Please come back if you need me.” Upon leaving, Peters took his phone out and dialed A immediately, the Englishwoman picking up on the first ring. “I’ve got a bit more,” he told her.

“Any connections?”

“He owed a lot to the M Corporation. Apparently, Sansa was about to fall apart when the owner of M came to his aid.” Peters got into his car, securing the phone onto a stand, “I asked the next in line. She’s friends with his wife.”

“The M Corporation?”

“Yeah, the office down the road, about ten minutes away. It’s this huge building with a lot of advertising and techy stuff around it,” he explained. “Sound familiar to you?”

“Yes, it does – hold on a moment.”

He waited until she spoke again.

“Peters, it’s no longer called ‘M’ – it changed its name to ‘KM’ recently, when the first CEO passed away. The one who succeeded him did the changing.”

“Oh.” He backed out of the parking area, “Wait. How do you know this?”

“The KM Corporation is owned by a friend of mine,” she told him as he drove. “Before the name change, it was simply known as Matsumoto Co. When his father died, his son took over and changed the name to the Kenichi Matsumoto Co. KM Co., for short.”

Peters blinked. “So the owner of the business…”

“He’s a close friend of Matt’s who I was able to meet.”

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Interlude: Paranoia

Kenichi blew smoke into the air, fingers securely holding the cigarette as he gazed out at the sky, arms folded over his chest. Behind him, Matt was simply watching, smoking his own cigarette. “Sansa was finally able to pay back their debt,” he finally said, not looking at Matt as he sucked on the tip of the cigarette lightly.

“Does it matter as much?”

“God. I don’t know,” he tossed the cigarette into the ashtray and poured himself a drink, “I don’t fucking know. On one hand, our finances are going to be stable again. On another hand, it came at a price.”

“Would you give the money in exchange?” Matt asked, quirking a brow as he fished for his lighter. “What would you do in exchange?”

“If it meant not having Taro killed, then I would gladly write off the debt and rip the check into pieces.” Kenichi took a drink, “What more can I do? I sent his wife flowers and fruits, attended the funeral and tried to avoid the other members cursing my name – what more does Taro want?”

“Stop it,” Matt said sharply. “Taro is dead.”

“Dead and extracting his revenge,” Kenichi inhaled deeply and stormed back inside, Matt frowning and following his superior into the massive living room, “I understand that I pressured the man too much. Fuck. I just did what I had to for my own company. Sansa got from me, I needed it back. It repaid. So why do I feel indebted to him?”

The ginger leaned against the wall, taking in the sight of Kenichi pacing back and forth with a puzzled and frustrated look on his face.

“You feel guilty.”

“Guilty.” Kenichi repeated. It tasted odd in his mouth. Like it didn’t belong there. “I feel guilty for a death that I didn’t cause.”

“Not that, dope.” Matt exhaled, “Guilty for prompting his obsession with gambling. Guilty for pressuring the man until the night of his death. You’re thinking that if you didn’t remind as much, he’d have put off his gambling and might be alive until now. But he isn’t. And you have to accept that.”

Kenichi stayed silent, still pacing. Matt noticed that he had set his glass of brandy down and had run his hands through his hair in a distant sort of panic.

“If the police come,” he finally told Matt, “Then I’m fucked.”

This Is An Apology: The Shoujo Parallels

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Initiation: A RWBY x TSP Crossover

“Elaine – we found it!” Arzen ran to the temple excitedly, Elaine following from behind. The green-eyed girl stopped at the sight of the different relics erected on the stone stands, eyes scanning the ones colored gold and the ones that were silver.

“This is it?” the other asked dubiously, hanging back and holding onto her whip in case something or someone would come. “Get a relic. We have to make it back soon.”

“I know, I know,” the girl murmured, looking at all the relics available for them to take. Around half were taken, the other half waiting for a pair of Hunters-in-training to get it and run back. “I’ll get this one,” she chirped, grabbing hold of a golden Bishop, tucking it into her pocket after. “Alright, let’s go back–!”


Arzen and Elaine stared at the source of the yell before scrambling to the sides, Elaine’s eyes widening at the sight of an Ursa roaring and tromping into the area. Riding on the Ursa, unbelievably, was a blonde man who dug his iron sword into the Ursa’s neck.

“Mathias!” he snapped, “Get over here before more come!” blood splattered all over the ground, the blonde sliding off the back of the decapitated Ursa and running to the relics, not noticing Elaine or Arzen staring in shock.


“I hate to break it to you, but there’s more of them there,” another man growled. This time, he was a redhead who held tightly to a deck of cards in his hands. “Just take one, Daniel!”

“Did you two wake the Grimm?” Arzen demanded. Mathias blinked and turned to her, Elaine facepalming as her partner walked to Mathias with her hands on her hips.

“It wasn’t me,” Mathias defended, “It was Daniel!”

“The blonde?”

“Oh, fuck off Mathias. You two,” Daniel turned his bronze eyes on Arzen and Elaine, “We have to leave before they arrive. The other teams can handle themselves, we just need to go before something bad happens.”

Monday, May 5, 2014

This Is Not Goodbye: A Shoujo Parallels AU Short

“So,” Arzen struggled. “One month.”

“One month,” Mathias agreed. Both of them were sitting in the Venura’s living room, both of them playing on the game console. Mathias had paused the game to talk to her on much more serious matters. “Just to France. I have to visit the family,” he told her, and she nodded, hiding her expression. “Don’t miss me too much.”

“Don’t be so conceited,” she snapped back, but it lacked the venom. Her eyes softened when she looked at him once more. “I’ll miss you.”

This time, he looked away to hide his red cheeks. “I’ll miss you too. But it’s just one month, after all.”

“Thirty-one days.”

“I’ll get you something,” he promised. “Food or merchandise. But France isn’t that great. Paris is just a bunch of people doing things and shops closing early.”

But that isn’t what I want, Arzen thought. “Let’s just continue playing,” she told him, picking up her controller. Mathias merely nodded and did the same, unpausing the game and proceeding to play. He got through the levels easier than usual, but she did hers with less heart.

She wondered if he noticed at all.

“Red vs. Blue season twelve’s out,” he started, but stopped upon seeing the look on her face. “Vens?”

And at that, it changed quickly.

“I haven’t seen it yet. How was it?”

“It was great, a nice start to the season. I won’t spoil, but…”

Somehow, Mathias knew that her heart wasn’t into it.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Vices: A Race **Chapter 007**

He woke up shaking.

Matt exhaled slowly and ran his fingers through his hair, feeling beads of sweat trickle down the side of his head. That was not okay. The dream was not okay at all.

But for some reason, he couldn’t exactly remember what was in it. All he felt was a foreboding sense of fear, and that was it. There was no scary face, no ghost, no nothing. It was just the feeling of danger and that he should br a little more careful.

Why, exactly, he didn’t know.

He closed his eyes and breathed in, then out, trying to calm himself down. What had just happened left his heart racing, and he tried to get himself relaxed before lying down once more, the woman next to him opening her eyes with a small frown on her face.

“You okay, love?”

“Yeah…” he exhaled, “I’m okay. Get back to sleep.” She nodded and closed her eyes again, Matt gently wrapping an arm around her before apprehensively going back to sleep with her. There was nothing to be afraid of.

Nothing at all.

The event had been on her mind that morning. She attempted to ask Matt why he woke up in the middle of the night, but he simply waved it off and said that it was just a bad dream. He knew that she didn’t believe him and merely smiled, telling her that she had other things to worry about.

And he was right – there were greater things.

Touta had assigned all of them on interviews that day. Peters had already gone to Mrs. Watanabe, and Touta himself would go to the manager of Kazumi Tanaka, the third victim. This left A to search for the Sato family, who consisted of a mother, father, and an older brother who was out of the country.

She asked Olsen for help, and the sandy-haired Brit cheerily handed her a file of both parents much later. “Are you doing well?” he asked, watching as the black-haired lady looked over the files and took notes.

“I could be better,” she admitted to him, looking up from the small notepad in her hands. “Once this is settled, I may take a long rest. It’s been a train wreck of cases.”

“A train wreck?” he knotted his brows in worry, “I hope that they haven’t been failures, Miss A.”

“They’re not, they’re not.” She sent Olsen a smile of her own, “They just keep coming when I finish one. It’s never-ending, really. A break would be lovely.”

“I know how you feel.” He glanced shortly at newbie (Dee Jones) as the small Jersey-based girl passed by, “But crime never really takes a rest.”

“Funny how we should all know that by now,” she mused quietly, watching as he smirked slightly and poked the girl’s shoulder, whistling innocently when she turned her squinted hazel eyes at him. A chuckled to herself when Dee began punching Olsen, the man cringing slightly and attempting to ignore the smaller girl.

“Yes, well – it’s something we forget quite often.”