Friday, July 25, 2014

Happy Encounters: A Shoujo Parallels AU Short

Beta Belt
July 2014
High School Staircase

“You need to talk to Elaine,” Cianna Alrada rolled her eyes as she continued walking, “She’s been sleeping in English. And while we were having Algeb, she was writing in her notebook.”

“She was also taking down notes,” Beatrice Mora mused. “But hell. That shit was creepy.” Arzen was confused as they went up the stairs, Gabrielle Angeles following and Mathias Angelo close by her side. “I’ll tell you later.”

Mathias broke in, “Anyway. Vens, you have to give the personal data sheet to Ms. Rocha.”

“Right, right. Hold on,” she sped off to the classroom and the others already walked to the other staircase, which led them to the second years’ level. Gabrielle snickered.

“If Ms. Rocha’s absent again, Venura’s going to throw a fit.” Cianna shook her head and Arzen soon caught up to them, blue folder in her hands. “What if she’s absent?”

“Then I’ll get delayed,” the girl grumbled as she took the stairs. Mathias stayed quiet as the rest of them followed, Cianna and Gabrielle talking about other matters while Beatrice listened. “I – we have to get this done by next week. I’ll get killed if I get delayed again,” she mumbled, and the ginger nodded sympathetically.

“Hey. We’ll get it done,” he promised. Arzen sent him a small smile and nodded, pausing once they reached the floor of the Sophomores.

Once they had arrived, Beatrice choked.

And began to laugh loudly.

Cianna gave Arzen an impish grin. Gabrielle nudged her side.

Mathias could only stare as Arzen’s face reddened to the extremes.


Beta Belt
Junior Year

Therese smirked upon seeing Arzen’s reddening face, the latter turning to send an icy-cold glare at the taller girl. Therese merely smiled back innocently.

They were in the cafeteria – majority of the XDees and The Boys were eating lunch, seated by their usual table. Beatrice had just come back with crinkles in tow, and was talking animatedly to the rest of them.

“Holy shit you know who’s there?” she didn’t even bother waiting for a reply, “Sir Nat. Sir Nat. Children be going wild.”

Janica giggled from her position, Ryel frowning immediately at that. “I wouldn’t blame them,” the girl managed, and Ryel smacked her with a notebook.

“Dude. Focus. We have Geometry after this.” The two bickered and Beatrice slid into her seat, grinning as Arzen eyed the teacher (as discretely as she could). She also noticed that Mathias was staring at Arzen as if a little disappointed.

David noticed, too.

“Upset, Prat?” Mathias nearly jumped and sent a scowl to David’s smirking face.

“Fuck off,” he snapped. Arzen didn’t seem to notice, but Elaine did.

Everyone in the group knew about Arzen’s small crush on the teacher who taught in the new building. They knew during the second, third week of school, when they noticed her sneaking glances at the new classrooms or hiding a smile when she saw him buy food along with some other teachers.

Therese was smug that her friend finally knew how it felt to crush on a teacher, and Beatrice warned her of her usual precautions. The others merely teased her about it – Elaine included. The Edevane brothers were amused.

The only person who wasn’t was Mathias.

They noticed as well and decided to tease the (bitter) male about it. Mathias frequently dodged this, having a better poker face than Arzen, but everyone knew that he was irked due to her small crush.

“Cheer up,” Liam quipped. “It’s just a crush.”

Mathias nearly snapped the pencil he was holding.


Oh my freaking God why now of all times why why whyyyy

“I think she malfunctioned,” Arzen heard Cianna say, but it was a whirled blur of noise. She numbly felt Beatrice’s nudge.

“Come on, ask him goddamn.”

Mathias remained stony.

Taking a deep breath, Arzen prayed Ride’s quick novena and stepped forward.

And then another step.

And then another.

Sir Nat was standing outside the office of the Sophomore Teachers, eyes squinted as he read something pinned to the announcement board. She noticed that he didn’t have glasses on, and that the side of his lips was curved up, as if he was smirking.

Arzen wanted to melt.

He noticed her there – as in, behind him, and turned around.

Why is he so cute without his glasses dear God

“Good afternoon, Sir,” she greeted. A smile had made its way to her face. Feet away, she could feel the others quaking with silent laughter. “May I speak with Ms. Rocha?"

“Ms. Rocha,” he mused, and quickly peeked inside the room. “Ms. Rocha? Someone needs to speak with you.” Sir Nat nodded at the reply from inside and looked back at Arzen, flashing her a brief half-smirk before the girl exploded into thanks.

Away, Gabrielle was grinning widely.

“She did better than I thought.”

“Vens doesn’t crack under that kind of pressure,” Cianna said easily. “But put Beatrice or Therese under that kind of situation, and they’d burst.”

Mathias muttered something under his breath. Arzen came back, red-faced and grinning, her hands shaking slightly.


“I can die now.”

“Not by the stairs,” Beatrice groaned, and they all followed, nudging the girl with raised brows and catcalls. Cianna hung back and walked with Mathias, who had stayed silent throughout the whole thing. She glanced at him.

“You shouldn’t worry about that,” she said suddenly.

“And why would I worry–”

“Because,” Cianna went on as if he hadn’t interrupted her, “She’ll choose you over that guy any day.”

Satisfied, Cianna left Mathias dumbfounded with a flush crawling up his neck. 

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