Saturday, July 12, 2014

Infliction: A Headcanon Short

Era: Humanoid
Class Gamma
Arithmetic IV Period
Genus 4102

 “Goddamn it, Skylar.” Penelope hissed. Skylar merely gave a smirk and wink, sitting back down while the other students gazed at the board in wonder. Carmina merely smiled, watching her friend with lime green eyes. In front of the class, the older woman nodded appreciatively. 

“Does anyone else have another answer?” 

Penelope’s hand shot into the air. As she walked to the front, Skylar rolled her eyes and twisted a blonde curl around her finger, gazing blankly as Penelope furiously scribbled another method – another solution – on the board, this time in angry red ink in contrast to Skylar’s calm black. As she sat back down, the professor gave an unsure hum.

“That’s another method, but Ms. Viridia’s answer is a simplified and therefore preferred way of answering such a problem.” The professor’s ash grey eyes met Skylar’s, and she flashed a hidden smile before moving on to the next topic. 

Penelope remained sullen as they were assigned seatwork as well as homework, replying curtly to Carmina when the latter asked for her to check her work. “You need to calm down,” Carmina retorted. “Get some fresh air or something, Vermi.”

“Shut up,” the other mentioned, a little too loudly. The brunette frowned, turning away with a shrug despite herself. Skylar coughed to disguise a laugh. Behind her, Dolysia snickered as well. 

“Does it feel nice, Skylar?” Skylar glanced behind her to see Dolysia’s elegant and prim face, a smile on her thin lips. 

“Does *what* feel nice?” she had a feeling she knew what Dolysia meant, but wanted to hear it straight from the lady's mouth.

“Knowing something she doesn’t.” 

Skylar tried to remain humble. “She still knows more, Dolysia.” As she looked at her paper again, she swore to the gods that Dolysia shook her head in disagreement. 

“There are different kinds of smart, Skylar.”

Class Delta
Demonstrations Period

Roxanne Amaranth wasn’t sure if she should laugh, yell, or call for help.

“What the fuck did I tell you, Goldenrod?” she scolded the blonde, who was on the ground and clutching her knee. Althea Goldenrod’s howls of pain made her ears ring. “Why shouldn’t you screw around with shit in Demonstrations?”

“Go. Away.” Althea punctuated each word with a hiss, legs wobbling as she attempted to stand up. “God this hurts like a cow – stop laughing!” she grumbled, spotting another girl laugh. “This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t mess around with the wind, Princeton.” Roxanne rolled her eyes, folding her slim arms over her chest. 

“Hey, Prince didn’t mean it. Or did you?” Margaux Princeton merely shrugged, watching as Althea groaned and stumbled around with an injured knee. “We have to get her to the infirmary before anyone else spots us.”

“I don’t need the goddamn infirmary–”

“Shut the hell up.”

Margaux listened to Roxanne and Althea’s bickering, snapping her fingers eventually. Althea yelped loudly as she was lifted a foot into the air, golden eyes wide with shock as she found herself levitating. “We’re going,” she told the two in a flat tone, “Before Althea manages to break her other knee.”

“Oh ye of little faith,” Althea mumbled, relenting with no other choice as the three girls made their way out of the gymnasium and straight to the infirmary. They merely trudged on.

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