Sunday, July 20, 2014

Switched: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short


*~The Beta Belt~*

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“You keep swearing, Venura.” Mathias grumbled as he folded his arms over his chest. “I know there’s nothing wrong with it, but we might have to put a quota per week.” This made the short-haired girl stare back, her eyes wide with confusion and maybe a little bit of irritation.

“Mathias, you know I don’t swear as much anymore.”

“I had no idea it was April First,” the ginger mumbled. Speaking louder, he went on, “What’s wrong with me, anyway? I don’t feel weird at all.”

He usually appeared to her in the afternoons, and it stayed that way. They formed a schedule together – Mathias would work at Technika then come to her during the afternoons, then go back during the evenings. This would give Arzen time to do what she needed – school and whatnot – eventually finishing up by the time he would arrive.

But he…he had been there since she woke up.

“Did you and Eri get into a fight?”

“Eri’s perfectly fine.”

What a lie, she thought, but persisted.

“You’re not going according to schedule,” she hesitated, “…did something happen there?”

“Nothing happened, I promise. Calm down, Venura.” He cracked a smile.

Arzen couldn’t return it. He just felt so…

So un Mathias-like.

She regarded him with another look of her own and sighed. Maybe he felt sick or something. 

“I don’t understand why you’re so worked up about Erimentha,” Mathias suddenly said, “She’s alright. A little stressed with Elythos, but she’s doing okay.”



“What are you talking about?”

Mathias opened his mouth and then closed it promptly, as if trying to figure out what to say. “Erimentha Astrapi? Elythos? Goddamn, Venura.” A worried smile swept his lips, “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“No,” she shook her head, “How can I be okay when you’re acting like this?” she demanded. “You’re mentioning names I don’t know and you’re not acting like who you actually are, and it frustrates me. I thought you were better than that.”

He stopped.

“You’re acting like a stranger, Mathias, and it’s bothering me.” She finally admitted. “For the whole day, it’s like someone else is watching me and not Mathias. I thought we told each other that there wouldn’t be any bullshit?”

Mathias struggled to speak.

She watched him quietly and took her eyes away from him, leaning against her bedroom wall. She hated lashing out – at anyone, definitely – especially at him.


“And you don’t call me Venura.”

Mathias sighed quietly.

“I – I’m sorry,” he managed. “I thought I was cheering you up but…” he gave a half-hearted shrug and stood up, “Guess it was too much, hm?”

*~The Alpha Belt~*

Arianne Venura was hella confused.

“Are you afraid of joking around now?” she asked him. Miles gave her a stare.

“I joke around?”

“Twenty-four seven. You do it all the time and now you’re sulking into the wall. Like you want to be a wallflower. Which you’re not,” she told him dryly. “What’s eating you up?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that–”

“Not a chance,” she interrupted smoothly. “You always do that to me. I…just let me pay back the favor,” Arianne told him sheepishly, turning away as red dusted her cheeks. “…do you want to go out or something?”


“Christ,” she muttered. “Do you want to take a break?”

Miles’ jade eyes seemed confused. “I don’t take breaks. You know that.”

“Yeah right. You’re practically begging for one each time you’re here,” she teased, and Miles had the decency to turn a little red.


“I should get you something to eat.” She stood up from the chair by her study table and stretched, “You want cake?”

“I’m not eating,” he defended. “I’m not hungry.”

“Of course you aren’t. Stay here, dumbass.”

Arianne left the room, leaving a dumbfounded (and also bewildered) Miles behind.

“Vens doesn’t act like this,” he muttered, walking around. “She’s quieter…and I swear to God she doesn’t wear her hair like that anymore,” he added quietly. He approached her desk and frowned, checking the pictures neatly arranged. Arianne came back eventually, and he quickly asked if he could use the bathroom, darting off when she said that he could.

“I swear, he’s such a fucking weirdo.” she muttered, setting down the plate of cake.


Inside the bathroom, Miles backed away from the mirror, his eyes widening.

Shit. Shit. Shit. This is wrong.

This is –

“Miles? What are you doing in there?”

Who the fuck is Miles?

“Shit,” he cursed loudly. “Ar–”

Miles stopped himself.

That isn’t Arzen.

“Venura?” he tried.

“Miles, I swear to God–”

“Just come in here and don’t freak out,” he snapped. A stunned silence met them, and he heard the door open and a pair of feet step in.

He held his breath.

Meeting Miles and Arianne was a mirror stained back, scarlet string in tatters.

*~The Beta Belt~*

“We have to go inside,” Mathias argued. Arzen merely stared at her own mirror, unsure of what she should even do. “Venura, we have to go inside right now.”

“But why–”

“There’s something wrong,” the man answered, “And we have to see if we’re the only ones affected.” Arzen said nothing, carefully inspecting the edges.

She expected shattered glass.

What she got instead was an orange string, falling apart by the threads. She tugged at it and it gave a feeble glow, and Mathias met her eye.

“We should go,” she said quietly.

He nodded.

She went in first, and he followed.

*~The Worm Hole~*

“As long as we follow this string back,” Miles stated as the twosome walked in the middle of nowhere, “We should get back to where we started. Trust me on this, okay?” behind him, Arianne nodded stiffly.

“I don’t understand what’s going on,” she muttered.

“I don’t either, but we’ll get to the bottom of it.” Arianne merely stayed silent as they continued walking, Miles following the string as it led them somewhere. “The string’s thinning as we go further,” he observed quietly.

“We should keep moving,” Arianne spoke. “God. Before anything else happens.” Smiling a little, Miles nodded and they walked.

“Are you sure we’re going the right way?”

“The string’s still here,” he held up the red object, “And it’s almost gone.”

“What good is that-”

“The good of that,” a voice came, and the two looked up instantly. “Is that it’s where two points will converge.”

Miles’ green eyes met Mathias’ frosty blue ones.

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