Monday, November 3, 2014

Russ' Updates #010: Back to Reality

Good evening, Darlings!

So, the second semester (finally) started! With that in mind, I realize that I have exactly three weeks until my Baguio retreat and four months to go until I graduate from high school. Which...sounds really terrifying, come to think of it. *shrinks away in a corner*

That's me right now. A prettier version than me. #queen
In summation: really not amused

Thankfully, I don't have homework today - teachers were being merciful - so at least I can manage to breathe and take an extra breather before hell starts *again*.

So, what exactly is going on this week?

Well, I pretty much have to adjust to schoolwork again. I'll be resuming my tutoring sessions this Thursday, and for Friday, I'll be doing some project work with my group mates. This Sunday will also be a little full - I'll (finally) be taking my last set of CETs! *throws confetti*

As I always say because of CETs - please do keep me in your thoughts/prayers/whatever you guys do! As much as I'm really hoping to get into my other picks, this one's my fallback. (If you guys are curious, I'm taking the UA&PCET. UCET. UAPCET. ...whatever they call it huhu)

Expect for me to drop some posts around Saturday and maybe Sunday afternoon!

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Background Short
[x] Russie Writes: A Relationship Short -- Mack and Jian

That's all for today - have a great week, you guys! <3

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