Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thrice a Day: A FC/UC Relationship Short

Gamma Belt
Mortal Realm
Sector ACR 4-A, Nuevo Filipina
Del Riano Headquarters

Emman didn’t know why Adri was doing it.

The del Rianos weren’t heartless – that was a fact proven by the lone daughter of the family. Emman knew of the girl’s kindness from years back, but expected that same kindness to shatter. Emman expected something else of Adri: a colder woman, someone who wouldn’t spare the female Astra a look.

However, things were different.

Breakfast was at 7AM, lunch at 12 and dinner served at 7PM. Emman was usually served food at those times, and half of the time, she didn’t touch it due to lack of hunger or pure spite. They would always slide the tray into the jail cell, Emman either sleeping or staring down the person who would give it to her.

It had been like that for three days.

On the fourth day, things had changed.

The time was seven in the morning and Emman had just woken up, blinking and adjusting to the pouring of light into the cell. The girl squinted and sat up slowly, running a hand through her tussled hair. Copper eyes glanced at the wall and she read the time, expecting the same person to bring her food to come some time now.

The door opened and she didn’t look, but heard the influx of voices.

“You’re being reckless, Adri.”

“It’s called being human. Try it sometime,” the person snapped, slamming the door. Emman’s brows met at the center and she frowned deeply, suddenly confused. “Emman?”

Emman didn’t look at Adri and the latter said nothing more, taking keys out of her pocket and unlocking the jail door. She went inside and placed the tray on the table, Emman feeling the girl’s silver eyes on her figure. Once more, the door closed and it was locked.

Her footsteps stopped and Emman faced front.

Adri was sitting on the same wooden chair she had used days back, holding Lux in her arms.

“You know, your Watcher is right.” Adri said nothing else as Emman got out of bed, walking to the table and sitting down. Her fingers took the utensils slowly, “You shouldn’t be doing things like these for me, del Riano.”

“I know. I just wanted to check up on you.”

Emman lifted a brow. “I’m okay. I’m eating. I’m still sane.”

Adri rolled her eyes. “Aside from the obvious, Emman.” The Snow Original watched as Emman began to eat, Adri crossing her ankles and holding Lux even tighter. “Don’t you feel lonely?”

“I’m always alone.” She replied shortly. “I’m used to it. It doesn’t bother me.” The copper-eyed girl took a drink from the hot coffee and rubbed her eyes after, finally looking at Adri this time. The girl wore a simple white top and denim shorts, her hair tied up in a neat bun. Her clean and effortless look was a contrast to Emman’s rather unruly appearance.

Adri opened her mouth to speak but a banging on the door made her stop. Emman saw a frustrated look come into her eyes and smirked slightly, keeping her head down as she continued to eat. “Going so soon?”

“I’ll be back later,” Adri said – promised – and departed, leaving Emman inside the jail cell by herself to contemplate on what had just happened.

Lunch came. Emman had been staring up at the ceiling and waiting for the time to reach noon, and just as it did, the door opened.

Adri entered with yet another tray and two glasses, smoothly walking and doing the same thing she did hours ago. Emman heard her door open and Adri walked inside, setting it on the same table and then walking out. The lock clicked.

Emman rose from the bed, seeing Adri sit down once again, this time a book in her hands instead of the teddy bear she (and Emman) had made years back. “So you’re back.”

“I always keep my promises,” the girl murmured, flipping through the pages idly.

“You didn’t years ago.” Emman saw her freeze and felt a small stab of self-satisfaction, the feeling soon melting into slight guilt upon catching the look on Adri’s face. “But that’s water under the bridge.”

It’s not, Adri thought. She sighed quietly and decided to start reading, waiting for Emman to start talking. When the girl didn’t after twenty minutes, she closed the book and looked at the woman who was kept captive.

Emman felt the other’s stare. “What?”

“I’m just looking at you,” Adri defended. Emman stared at her blankly and then shook her head, taking a long drink from the glass on the table. Adri noticed that Emman was only half way done through the meal. “Are you eating?”

“Of course I am. I’m a slow eater.” Just as Adri was about to retort back, the door to the room opened. Emman narrowed her gaze upon the sight of a newcomer. “Looks like you have to go.” Adri’s face showed confusion for a moment before the hand came on her shoulder, Adri turning her head and seeing Zachary right behind her.

“Adri, we have to leave.” The Watcher met Emman’s look and smirked, the look disappearing almost immediately. “Adri.”

“I heard you the first time,” the girl snapped, rising from her seat. Zachary looked surprised at her response; Emman merely coughed to mask her laugh. “I’ll be back for dinner, Emman.” Without waiting for the Lightning Original’s reply, she stormed out of the room much to the bewilderment of Zachary.

“You really shouldn’t boss her around, you know,” she taunted. The Lava Original’s ruby eyes twitched and he sent her an icy glare.

“Piss off, Astra.” Zachary left the room as well right after, closing the door. Although Emman was left alone once more for the second time of the day, she couldn’t help but feel a small sense of satisfaction well up in her.


Emman was waiting. She kept to the bed and glanced at the clock, seeing the short hand move from six to seven. Just as the seconds hand passed the twelve, Emman heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside.

Adri came in, bearing a tray. 

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