Monday, November 10, 2014

Russ' Updates #011: Goodbye CETs

Hello and good evening, Darlings! <3

Here’s some good news before we begin: I’ve officially finished all my CETs! *confetti falls*

look at all that temporary joy
Last Sunday, I was able to finally complete the fourth and last test, which was UA&P’s. So from now until whenever, I’m officially CET-free. Now, all I have to do is wait for the results and see where I’ve been accepted, yes?

With all that over and the third quarter already picking up, I’ve got an announcement to make. From November 24 (Monday) until November 27 (Thursday), I’ll be having my retreat in Baguio. I’ll be come by Thursday evening, but you can probably expect me to be hella exhausted and all that. *laughs*

So in two weeks, from Monday to Thursday, I’ll be on a mini-hiatus. I’ll make up for it on my rest day, which is the 28th (Friday). For today until the 23rd, I’m going to try and do as much Featured Character posts as I possibly can. *thumbs up*

What do I have planned for this week, lovelies?

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Relationship Short – Matt and A
[x] Russie Writes: A Relationship Short – Elle and Aria

[ ] Russie Writes: A Featured Character Short

Expect a lot of OTP feels in the air!

That’s all for tonight, have an amazing week! <3

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