Friday, November 7, 2014

The New Assignment: An FC/UC Short

Gamma Belt
Mortal Realm
Sector ACR 4-A, Nuevo Filipina
Del Riano Residence

Zachariel Vasilias had a new Assignment.

He felt strangely empty; having come out of the WRC (Watcher Recovery Center) for reasons he couldn’t exactly remember, a new task was thrust into his hands the moment he stepped out. Zachariel couldn’t quite understand it himself. He didn’t exactly know what landed him there in the first place.

It was like one moment, he was on duty – the next, he was there.

And it was too disorienting.

Zachariel looked at the rolled up paper in his hands, remembering the name written in a fine, elegant script. He said it in his head: Sacha Adrienne del Riano.

He looked around him. The Watcher was waiting by the entrance to the house, seated comfortably on a wooden bench situated facing the street, by the gate. And he waited patiently, wondering what kind of Assignment he’d have to face this time.

But wasn’t that his first?

Confusion made him knot his brows. Zachariel tried to remember. It felt like he had spent the majority of his life in the Watcher’s Abode, but at the same time, it felt like dozens – hundreds – of fragments were missing from his memory. He felt like there were gaps. A million of them.

The gate opened.

He looked up, seeing a girl going inside. Long black hair bounced off her back as she moved, the girl carrying a mild orange bag. She looked exhausted.

There was a burn in his hand and he dropped the paper by accident, wincing and clutching the palm of his hand. On the ground, the text of Sacha Adrienne’s name glowed a brilliant orange.

* * * * *

He could be anything –

A businessman. A tutor. A bodyguard.

Adri didn’t quite know which role he played. She saw him catch sight of her and stood up immediately, sweeping the paper into his pants pocket. The man looked oddly sharp, she thought, seeing him in a black suit and ruby-red tie which stood out the most – aside from his eyes, which were of the same hue.

“Sacha Adrienne–”

“Just Adri,” she interrupted.

The man’s eyebrows lifted. Adri felt herself flush, frozen where she was. He walked closer to her, his hands in his pockets, and stopped when he was merely a foot away. It took all her constraint to not look down and instead looked him in the eye.

He cracked a small smile. She relaxed.

“Adri. My name is Zachariel.” He extended a hand, and she took it hesitantly. “Would you know where we could talk privately?”

“I don’t think I can,” she shot back nervously, remembering what Emman had told her many times: don’t be left alone with a guy you barely know. Drill that into your head. “Not to be rude, but…I don’t know you. I barely know you.”

And he smiled again.

A toothless smile.

“I assure you, Adri, that romantic exploits aren’t my hobby. And that I’m here to talk to you for a completely different reason. So again: do you know where we can talk privately?”

She answered him immediately. “My room.” And she sprinted so quickly into the house that Zachariel stood and looked at her, shaking his head and letting himself be overcome with slight affection for the painfully shy girl.

But he snapped out of the reverie and followed anyway.

Adri’s hands shook as she fumbled for her doorknob, entering her bedroom and turning on the lights, only to nearly scream when she saw him sitting on her bed. Her voice caught in her throat.

“But how–”

“Do you know the concept of Watchers?” he interrupted her. Adri blinked and shook her head. “A Watcher is someone who is assigned to watch. I’m like a twisted version of a Guardian Angel. The Watcher is tasked to guard their Assignment – in this case, you – until the end of the person’s days. I have to keep you away from harm, away from things or people that might break you,” he continued, and she cringed. His eyes softened. "You shouldn't be afraid of me at all. The last thing I'll do is hurt you."

Adri couldn't exactly take it all in and she backed into the door even though he wasn't moving towards her. The hopeful look on his face fell slightly.

“Why me?”

Zachariel faltered a bit. “I…I’m not so sure, Adri. I was just assigned to you.”

“So you’re…a long-term investment?” he blinked, “A permanent guest? An immortal bodyguard?”

“Yes, yes and yes. I’m anything you’d like me to be. All I have to do is to protect you.” He watched as she managed to absorb the new information, she pacing around the room and biting her lip in slight anxiety. He noticed that she picked at her nails.

Zachariel kept his lips closed.

He was tasked to protect her – that was true. It was definitely true.

But there was something more. As the girl paced and mumbled to herself, he looked into her and felt his own eyes glow upon searching her, seeing beyond the girl’s silver-gray eyes and nervous demeanor. Zachariel dug deeper, managing to go through the silver, sparkling aura that surrounded her from head to toe.

In an instant, he saw her completely. 

He saw orange eyes staring back at him and knew.


The brunette looked at her. Adri looked like she had forced herself to calm down.

"Just do your job properly, and we'll be okay."

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