Monday, November 17, 2014

Russ' Updates #012: Halfway Through

Good evening, Darlings!

So this week is officially Midterm Week for me. As much as possible, I want to get really good grades for the third quarter since hey, it means second sem’s halfway over.

Am I excited? Sort of. Terrified? YES.
I know I haven’t been exactly active during the week days, but I promise to at least make up for that this Wednesday. See, I won’t have school this Wednesday – my whole batch, actually. The day was given to us as a study day while the other levels would use our classrooms. *shrugs* So, I hope I’ll be able to put up at least one short by then.

(Fun Fact: I’ll be hanging out with Rothie this Wednesday! >w< I’ll be helping her out in whatever subjects she needs help in. #ElRia)

Aside from this Wednesday, I’ll also try to post something this weekend, focusing more on this month’s Featured Character. As much as possible, I’d like to get in a few posts about her right before I leave for Baguio on the 24th. :D

I’ll also be a bit busy this Saturday, since I’ll be attending the school’s Bandscreening event. Sunday will be dedicated to Retreat prep. ^_^ Additionally, since I’ll be gone by Monday, expect an early RussDate this Sunday.

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Relationship Short – Adri and Emman
[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Background Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic

That’s all for today – have an amazing week! <3 

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