Monday, December 14, 2015

Russ' Updates #063: More Teasers

Good evening, Darlings!

Christmas break is officially here (well, it's started since last Thursday for me tbh) and it feels really great to finally get some rest after one heavy semester. It's a little weird to adjust to not really doing much acad-wise, but hey - it's still a great feeling. 

Anyway, expect another Coalesce teaser for this week! Aside from that, there will also be two shorts. I'll try to make them as...festive as I can. Nothing angsty since hey, it's the season of Christmas and all so things have to be lighthearted. Maybe. >:D But yeah, expect a few more Coalesce shorts and all that stuff until the 31st of December. I decided that I'll be explaining things on that date. 

"I'm honestly excited for it."
That's all I'll let slip for now! I'm preparing for January's event, so forgive me if the posts aren't as much as initially expected... ^^;;

Posts to Expect: 

[x] Russie Writes: A Transcendence Short 
[ ] Russ Writes: A Coalesce Short / OTP Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: Coalesce Teaser #02

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