Monday, December 28, 2015

Russ' Updates #065: Closing 2015

Good evening, Darlings! It's the last RussDate for 2015!

"You know what that was? Hella fast."
Like what Kyong said, 2015 was a ridiculously fast year (for me). So much happened writing-wise, blog-wise, and even in real life. But I'll save the ~nostalgia~ for my end-of-the-year post, which will definitely be coming this Thursday!

Moving on, I'm incredibly excited for 2016 and what it's going to bring. One of those things is what I'll be talking about on Thursday Friday as well, so keep an eye out for that! Additionally, expect the last teaser to be posted before the year ends. :>

As early as now, I want to thank you guys for sticking around for yet another year, whether you're a one-time-big-time visitor or someone who checks multiple times a week. I promise that 2016 is going to be big, and that all of you will get to know a character or two...or nine. *nudgenudge*


Posts to Expect: 

[x] Russie Babbles: A Year in Review [2015]
[ ] Russ Launches: The CLS Launch 
[x] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Teaser

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