Thursday, December 31, 2015

Russie Babbles: A Year in Review [2015]

Good morning/afternoon/evening, Darlings! Welcome to the last day of the year! If it’s still the 30th over there, then…welcome to the second to the last day of the year…?

"We're off to a great start..."
Just like what I did exactly 365 days ago, I’ll be doing a Year in Review. Basically, I’ll just be talking about what’s been going on this year blog-wise and writing-wise. I might also insert some personal stuff there if I feel like it. Finally, I’ll be closing the post with ideas and events I’ve planned out for 2016. 

It’s going to be quite the experience, so strap yourselves in and get something to eat — let's get started, yeah?

Last year, I mentioned that 2014 was the year where I was able to grow the most as a writer and all. However, I think my growth this 2015 was way bigger than how I grew in 2014. To cut the long story short, 2015 gave me a lot of times to look at myself as a writer-slash-blogger…which caused quite the number of existential debates here and there. These happened a lot during the extremely long school break. 

So after those internal debates and hours spent feeling sorry for myself, I finally took it upon myself to finally step up and do something I should have done years ago. But hey, better late than never, right? 

Now you may be wondering: Russie, does this have to do with the launch that is totally happening tomorrow? 

Short answer: yes.

Long answer: I’ve had this ongoing project since seventh grade (2010) which has seriously grown and expounded. If you’ve known me since seventh grade, then you can most definitely attest to it and say that it’s true. That project has gone through a lot. I remember telling Rothie this one time how far it’s gone, and she’s not going to let me forget the vampire phase which I definitely regret oh god—

Anyway, five years and a shit ton of revisions and whatnot later, I finally decided to fix, tweak, and change this project which started from a mere Twitter role-play. It actually feels right. See, this project (in all its weirdness throughout the years) is where I feel the most at home. And I guess that’s what’s made me stick with it consistently for almost six years, really. 

So, yes. This five-going-six year project will be making its debut tomorrow. :) 

But back to the actual topic, yeah? 

"She's getting quite emotional..."
I’m actually hella happy that I was able to fulfil the event checklist I made in the previous Year in Review! In case you need a small rewind, I was able to celebrate the You Brought Color week which took place during the last week of January until the first week of February. I finally got to celebrate the OTP of OTPs (Mr. Jeevas and Ms. Maxwell).

As for March, I launched one of the bigger Celebrations, the Graduation Celebration. From March until April, I shared with you guys the four big projects which have kept me company throughout my four years of high school. And finally, in August, I celebrated my third year of blogging with the Genesis Celebration, featuring the lovely Squad A. 

Since college started, I wasn’t really able to post as much and again, I want to apologize for that. One of my hopes for next year is to actually make a stable posting schedule and to set a quota for myself per week or per month. *nods* I’ll talk about that in another post, yes? 

Now — the more exciting part — events and ideas for 2016!

In all honesty, I’ve only thought of two main events. Whoops huhu. Those two events are the Coalesce Launch and the Fourth Blogsary Celebration. Next December, I’m thinking of having a Christmas-related event, but we’ll see how that goes, yeah? ;D

I don’t want to be overly-event heavy next year, really. I’ve already planned who the Characters of the Month will be, as well as the order. 

Please do rest assured that I’ll still be keeping the Transcendence project alive! I have no intentions on leaving it behind. It’s too close to my heart to pass up. While you may not be seeing Ansel, Elena, and the crew this January, they’ll be coming back as the year passes. And who knows - maybe you guys will get to see new characters as well. 

"They will. Russie loves them too much."
I guess that’s it for this year’s Year in Review! Again, I’d like to thank you all so much for sticking with me this past year. I was finally able to hit another milestone last November, holy shit. 

Thank you so much for all the support you’ve given this year — it’s been one hell of a rollercoaster, really. So much has happen and many milestones were unlocked, and I couldn’t have done it if not for you guys. :’D

That’s it for this year, but don’t worry! So much is going to happen starting tomorrow, and I can’t wait to share it with all of you. ;) 

"See you tomorrow!"

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