Monday, December 21, 2015

Russ' Updates #064: Holiday Season

Hi guys! An advanced Merry Christmas to you all!

"Advanced happy holidays to you, R!"
I hope you enjoyed the second teaser! :) I apologize for (once again) not posting everything on last week's list; lately I've been prepping the graphics and such for the launch this January. If you notice, there's a 'teaser poster' to the left side of the blog. It's something I added pretty recently as a way to hype things up. 

The following things will be happening:
  1. I'll officially start the countdown on December 23, 12AM, PHL time (GMT+8). 
  2. On December 31 (time TBA), I'll be talking about January's event and the project which circulates around it. This one I'm very much excited for! 
  3. On the same date, I will be posting another End of the Year kind of post. :3 
  4. On January 1 (time TBA), expect the layout of the blog to change. I won't be able to due it exactly during midnight due to New Years' Eve celebrations + Media Noche, but do expect it to change within the day! 
I won't be having a Christmas event this year since I need to keep making the graphics for January, but do expect for me to make up for my lack of activity next year! :D I'm incredibly excited for you all to see what I've planned and for what I have to present. Personally, I see it as a huge step for me to take and sharing it here would be amazeballs. 

See y'all next week! <3 

"Enjoy the rest of the year, everyone."

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