Monday, June 20, 2016

Russ' Updates #089: Bits and Pieces

Hello, Darlings! 

Not much to say this week, actually - I'm still planning bits and pieces of the blogsary celebration for August, and I think I need to start planning faster, whoops. But aside from that, I'm really looking forward to how it goes! I (sort of) know what I want to happen; I just need to start finalizing them as soon as possible. :) 

...also, it's probably for the best that I actually start reading the books I have to read as well as the readings I already have for second year, whoops. 
June's ending next week, so you can expect the last Russ Features graphic to be posted some time next week, and the short next week! :D 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic
[x] Russie Photoshops: An RRC'16 Graphic
[x] Russie Writes: A Transcendence Short

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