Thursday, June 9, 2016

Cathartic: A Russie Features Short

Aether’s Apartment
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 2015

They had known each other for years at that point; it only made sense that he was the first person she called.

When he had answered the phone, Tadashi didn’t initially understand what was going on. All he could hear was the sound of her sobbing combined with Aether trying to explain what was going on. At her third attempt (which had been combined with even more tears), Tadashi ended up telling her that he would be at her door as soon as he could.

And within a few minutes, he was. No sooner than he rang the doorbell did the door opened, and he was greeted with the sight of Aether’s crying face and immensely broken expression. No words were exchanged as he immediately came inside, closing the door behind them and asking her: what happened?

It took her a long time to eventually stop crying and tell him what had caused her to break like that. It took nearly half an hour until he put the pieces together and did his jaw tighten, eyes narrow. Part of him wanted to lash out and hunt down the man at fault, but the other part willed for himself to calm down and stay where he was needed the most.

Stay, he told himself. You have to stay.

Without saying anything more, Tadashi opened his arms and Aether sunk into them immediately, burying her face into his chest and erupting into a fresh batch of heartbroken sobs.

Based on what he had understood, Tadashi managed to formulate that the following happened: Mathieu had left. It was as simple as that; she woke up, found no one next to her, but didn’t immediately assume the worst. It took a few days for her to realize that he really was gone: upon searching her apartment, she found out that most of his belongings were gone. What remained were a few, older-looking shirts, and a semi-empty bottle of cologne.

(That explained her foul mood as of late.)

It took another day or two to sink in. When it finally did, Aether managed to lock herself away from the world until gathering the courage to call him over.

“Do you need anything?”

“I don’t know,” she replied. It came out as stuffy and weak, two words he never thought he’d have to associate with Aether at all. For the nth time that evening, Tadashi swore to make the redheaded flirt pay for what he had done. “I just…I don’t know what I need,” she admitted, wiping her eyes. “It’s just – everything’s upsetting. Literally everything is upsetting.”

He knew how it felt.

“I can order takeout,” he offered. It wasn’t much, but it was a start. “Get us the unhealthiest fast food you can imagine, or something from the nearest Japanese place that can deliver.”

She bit her lip. Suddenly, Tadashi wondered if his suggestion brought back unwanted memories. Aether was private about her relationship with Mathieu; he wasn’t quite sure what their habits and quirks were. He wasn’t even sure if they had takeout. If anything, Aether tended to gush about his cooking –

“We can do takeout,” she agreed quietly.

“Takeout it is.” Tadashi rose from the couch, “Stay there, alright? I’ll get some of the menus from your kitchen, then we can decide what you want.” She nodded and turned her attention back to the television screen that showcased the days’ news; Tadashi went to her kitchen and immediately spotted the takeout menus held down by magnets on her fridge.

Menus for Japanese food, menus for different fast food establishments. On the fridge aside from those were pictures of a younger Aether with another redheaded female (most likely someone from her days in England). Another picture that made him frown was of Aether and someone else; though judging by how the male’s face was covered, it was obvious who he was.

They looked…happy. It was a picture of the two of them probably at the park, judging by the green lush background. And they looked happy. Aether’s eyes were big, cheeks flushed red, while Mathieu looked perfectly content being with her at that very moment –

Or was he?

Tadashi shook his head, snatched the menus away, and went back to Aether. He showed her the menus, and with a single glance, asked him to order whatever he wanted and that she would cover it herself.

“Anything you want?”

“I trust you.” Tadashi said nothing more, taking his phone out of his pocket and dialing the number listed on the first menu he had taken. He spoke into the mic, ordering what would seem best for both of them.

Eventually both of them ended up sitting together once more, Aether with her head against his shoulder. If she had done that in a college-induced crash years ago, Tadashi would have tensed and immediately wondered if he was doing this whole ‘caring for new agents’ thing right.

But at that point, he merely wrapped an arm around her and held her a little tighter. She exhaled; a shaky, audible exhale that made him attempt to keep her as close to him as possible. “You can cry, you know,” he offered. “I won’t judge.”

“I know you won’t. I just…I’m not used to others seeing me like this,” she muttered, already wiping at her eyes again. He offered the nearby tissue box; she took a tissue and held it tightly between her fingers. “…I’m sorry,” she managed. “I’m sorry, Tadashi…”

“Hey, hey. Don’t be. Come on, Aether.” She looked at him and he used his free hand to gently ruffle the younger one’s hair. “You’re not alone in this. Believe me. I had something awfully close happen to me before,” he explained.

She remained silent for a moment. “…what happened?”

The pain came back somehow, rippling in his chest. He inhaled then let it out, closing his eyes. “…before being part of Squad A, I headed Squad S. It had me and three other members who were sort of like family to me,” he explained.

Their faces flashed in his mind quickly. “…I fell in love with one of them. Long story made short, we had something beautiful. The other two supported it, and we were happy. We worked together for time as a Squad of our own. But…”

Makoto died during a mission, Akira had to be taken off life support, and Sumire quit after breaking up with me. I lost my family.

“…things happened,” he continued carefully. Aether listened on, “Bad things happened. We ended up ending the relationship because things weren’t going well. She quit HQ and left without anything else – without me asking for another chance,” he ended, laughing a little at the story. Eventually, Tadashi gave a sigh of his own. “I know it’s not like what happened to you. But I still lost them – her. I lost her and haven’t really gotten with anyone else through the years.”

He expected her to scoff. And he’d let her, really – Aether’s pain was much, much different from his.

“…how’d you deal with it?”

“I – sorry?”

“I know it’s personal,” she backtracked, flushing red just a bit, “…but I just want to know how you got ever her. Especially if you felt something…felt something deep,” she ended quietly.

“Well, it…it wasn’t a good coping mechanism,” he started slowly. Eventually the two started to talk more and more, Aether listening to his stories and managing to laugh at little anecdotes that eventually left sensitive topic territory.

Meanwhile, Tadashi was happy to see Aether a little better. If anything, she was far from recovering – it would take months until she’d be over to get over him comfortably. He knew that well; it had taken him a few years to get over Sumire. And even at that point, talking about her still hurt a little bit.

Their food came eventually; Aether ate her way through tuna salad while Tadashi consumed the noodles slowly. The stories dwindled down, and eventually Aether pushed the food away, hugging her knees after.

The sniffing resumed. He didn’t need to ask what was wrong this time, only putting away his half-empty bowl and wrapping an arm around her. No words were spoken. He merely remained there as Aether kept her face in his shoulder again, silently crying throughout the depressing news that flashed on the television screen.

Not wanting to say anything else, he merely stayed in that position, letting her cry as long as she needed to.

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