Thursday, June 30, 2016

Value: A Russie Features Short

Atlanta, GA
United States of America
March 2017

Flashing lights, blinding lights. A microphone was pushed into his hand, the other gripping the plaque tightly. “Congratulations,” someone – Sol? – whispered, pushing him a little more to the front. Tadashi froze and stared, wide-eyed and still in shock upon what had just happened within the past two, three minutes.

He wasn’t sure what had happened, honestly. He and the rest of Squad A were busy drinking, and he was laughing at a joke Peters had told, when all of a sudden his name was announced and Aether was pulling up with the brightest smile on her face. Peters was whooping and Mack was laughing too, and before he knew it, he was stumbling to the stage with Sol beaming up at him. There was someone with her too, probably a higher-up, who most likely congratulated him as well, he didn’t know.

“I—I honestly don’t know what just happened,” he admitted into the mic, the entire room laughing warmly at that. He wasn’t trying to be humble nor was he trying to play off his win, not at all—it was the truth. He hadn’t been expecting any of that to happen, not at all. “Honestly. I never really expecting any of this,” he told the rest of HQ, his eyes falling to Squad A’s table.

He caught Aether’s gaze momentarily. She smiled even wider, if that was possible, and was holding a handkerchief that Mack had most likely lent to her. You can do it, she mouthed, and he swallowed, nodding before looking at the rest of them.

Tadashi inhaled for a second before putting on a smile, loosening his grip slightly and starting to speak.

He remembered a gala just like this one, one he had attended with his previous team all those years ago. Someone else had just been announced as HQ’s most valuable or whatever it was, and Sumire had nudged his arm with a small smirk on her face.

“You deserve that more than he does,” she told him, and he couldn’t help but laugh. “I mean it.”

“I don’t,” he admitted. “I’m far from winning something like that.” Apparently, Makoto and Akira had heard him, and they both turned to give him equally scathing looks. The timing was impeccable; it almost seemed a little creepy, to be honest on his part.

“Stop that shit. You’ll win one before we die,” he declared, Akira nodding eagerly. “Or else we’ll have to bribe them.” Tadashi scoffed.

“That’s cheating.”

“Not if you deserve it,” Akira piped in. they eventually quieted down after until Sumire leaned her head on his shoulder. He glanced at her, seeing her smile softly at him with a certain look in her eyes.

“They’re right, you know,” she murmured. Tadashi didn’t want to argue and instead nodded, listening to her. “You’ll win, and we’ll be there to cheer you on.”

In the present, the rest of HQ watched and listened. Peters couldn’t help but chuckle upon seeing Aether wipe at her eyes, she too listening as her teammate and friend spoke. “Someone’s proud,” he teased.

“Of course I am. It’s Tad,” she managed. Mack comfortingly patted her shoulder and she shot him a watery smile. “I’m just happy that he won, you know? He deserves it so much.” Mack nodded. They continued watching, Mack only patting Aether more as Tadashi directed his speech at them.

“I couldn’t have done it without my present team, honestly.” The lights redirected towards Squad A’s table; Peters caught Ross smirk at them, flashing a quick thumbs-up. “I’m sure all of you know what had happened to my previous team those years ago.”

Somber silence. Tadashi took a deep breath and continued, “I lost the rest of my team due to an unfortunate incident and worked alone for a couple of months. Eventually Eri convinced me into training two new people—two young people who I honestly underestimated when they first arrived,” he admitted, glancing first at Peters, and then Aether. “I thought I wasn’t ready. But after training them, they helped me realize that I was. They made me realize a lot. And when I thought that it was just going to be the three of us, Mack came along from England.” Mack grinned and waved. “And it felt like I had my family back.” 

Tadashi cleared his throat, lifting the award just a little bit. “You guys deserve this as much as I do. Truly. Thank you so much.”

* * * * *

“You made her cry,” Peters laughed, Tadashi embracing Aether back tightly. He had returned to the table upon finishing, having thanked Eri as well in his speech as well as his other friends in HQ. “But to be honest, I think the rest of us cried on the inside, too.” Aether looked up at him with a watery smile and he couldn’t help but hug her even tighter, a few of the other attendees smiling their way and expressing their congratulations.

“You deserve it,” she told him, voice muffled slightly but he could still hear, “You deserve it so, so much, Tad, and I—we’re so proud of you.” Her voice cracked at the end and for the better of them, he kept silent and kept hugging her. Mack set down a few more bottles on the table, amused at the sight.

“To be fair,” the Englishman spoke, “we weren’t expecting it, either. Despite that, we’re happy for you. It’s a pretty top-notch award,” he told Tadashi, Peters picking up the plaque and reading it to himself. The American eventually let out a low whistle, impressed.

Most Valuable,” he read. “Jesus, that’s a lot to take in. But still, congratulations.” Aether managed to pull away from him, picking up her unconsumed glass of alcohol. Peters and Mack did the same, raising it to him. Tadashi felt himself redden a little at the attention; the adrenaline was beginning to crash, and he still felt like he was in the air. “To Tadashi,” Peters cheered, the four of them in their own bubble while the party around them went on.

Lights flashed, music played. There were people in the middle, dancing, and other guests were mingling, drinking. He looked at his team: Aether in her red dress, Peters and Mack in black suits with a blue and violet tie, respectively. They raised their glasses to him, faces containing the same proud smile.

For a moment, the image of Sumire, Makoto, and Akira flashed in his mind, the three of them too raising their glasses to him. It faded immediately, and before he knew it, Tadashi was laughing and drinking with them as well.

He took his teammates into his arms and hugged them as tightly as he could, promising yet again to never let them go.

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