Monday, August 1, 2016

Russ' Updates #095: Blogsary Start

Good evening, everyone! Happy August! 

"Let's celebrate!"
As you all (probably) know, August is blogsary month, therefore a month-long celebration! *throws confetti* If it wasn't obvious already, this year's blogsary will feature the different teams that we'll encounter during the course of Coalesce

Just to give a heads up, I'll be changing the design and will still be posting a RussDate for the Mondays of this month. Then for the rest of the week, I'll be posting daily and the cycle repeats. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep this up since I'll be staring school again next week ;_;

I hope you guys stick around to see what happens! I'm actually really excited for this one despite feeling unsure about the overall topic. No To Be Posted list so that the slightest bit of suspense remains. ;D Also - please support Rothie as she closes up her own blogsary! It's been a blast. 

"Time to enjoy."

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