Monday, August 15, 2016

Russ' Updates #097: Fifty Percent

Hey there, everybody!

We're officially halfway through August, which means we're halfway done with the blogsary! This week, we'll be focusing our attention on a certain group of models. :'D

"I am so ready for this."
Still the same posts for this week, don't fret! I think you guys know what to expect already, so I won't be adding the Posts to Expect section as I did last week. Hope you're still pumped for it! ^_^

On another note, I'm doing okay! College is kicking my ass, as expected, but I think I'll be able to manage this time around. I just hope that the rain lets up eventually because if it doesn't, then...there's going to be a lot of delays and that isn't good at all. 

"Try not to die, Russ."
Enjoy the week! 

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