Monday, August 29, 2016

Russ' Updates #099: Four Years

Good evening, everyone! Happy belated blogsary -- I know that I didn't really post anything mushy last Thursday, but don't fret: I'll be doing the mushy stuff in tonight's Russ Date. :'D

All that can come to mind is just -- thank you. Thank you very, very much for still sticking with me whether you're someone who just dropped by today or if you've been here since 2012. It really means a lot to me that people continue to stick around despite the lapses in activity or despite the days wherein I just don't really feel like it at all. 

I'll admit that sometimes, I wonder if this entire blogging thing is worth it. But then I remember why I started to do so in the first place: I wanted to do this simply because I wanted to share my ideas and my stories with the world. :) 

I hold you guys very close to my heart and am always, always thankful for the support. Breaking 25,000 views last month or so was a hella big shock, but it was a happy kind of shock either way. ^_^ I know that I haven't exactly been as active this year compared to the rest, and I'm working on that, I promise. I've still got a few tricks up my sleeves and I'm looking forward to sharing them with you all! 

On that note, expect a final blogsary graphic tomorrow and the closing post on the 31st. :D 

Again, thank you very much for everything! Have a fantastic night. <3 

"All of you are blessings."

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