Monday, August 8, 2016

Russ' Updates #096: Second Week

Good evening, everyone! I hope you’re all doing okay. 

I recently came down with a case of allergies-slash-colds and it honestly really sucks, considering that I just started my second year of college. And yes—I’ve officially started my second year, and while I’m (still) pretty damn tired, I’m looking forward to it and everything. 

Hope you guys enjoyed the first week of the blogsary! Apologies for not posting on Saturday; my friends came over and I wasn’t able to find the time to post the short on time. I’ll do my best to stick to schedule for the rest of the celebration. 

And speaking of—welcome the team for the second week, Kang Enterprises

"We're going to get into complicated shit."
Expect the same posts for this week! Except, of course, it's going to be suited more towards Kang Enterprises. I hope you're excited! I've been looking forward to exploring them more. :>

"Please do be excited."

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