Monday, October 24, 2016

Russ' Updates #107: Vacation

Good evening, everyone! Hope you’re doing okay—and to those who watched The Walking Dead’s season opener, I sincerely hope that you guys have (somehow) managed to recover. :(( 

Here’s my agenda for this week: by Thursday night, I want the RussDate shorts and graphics to be posted. You may be wondering why I’m rushing, and, well—that’s because I’ll be in Japan! From October 28—November 2, I’ll be out of the country. My family and I will be spending a few days travelling and whatnot; as much as I want to bring my laptop along, it might distract me from the adventure and all. 

I’ll try to set up the format for next Monday’s RussDate, though! I want to post on time and update you guys on how I’m doing. :D But for now—just hope that I’ll be able to get the Russ Features finished as soon as possible! 

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic #03
[ ] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short #03

"My time here was sufficient enough."

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