Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Russ' Updates #132: Rushing

Hi there, Darlings! 

I'm sorry for the late update--things have been a little hectic again. There's been a couple of deadlines I had to meet, as well as a presentation I had to do yesterday. I was actually thinking of skipping out on updating this week just to cool down, but I didn't really like the idea of that--so here I am! 

There's a couple of weeks until my summer break, and believe me--I'm super ready to just submit everything else and get some well-deserved rest. I've just got, what; three or four weeks to go before my well-deserved break! 

"Keep calm, loves."
Still no Things to Expect segment, sorry about that! But I'll do my best to still appear here and there. Definitely promise to talk about my summer plans pretty soon, too. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Russ' Updates #131: Schedule

Hello, hello! Hope everything's okay! 

Officially back to campus for me; just to be sure, don't expect too much to be posted except for maybe a graphic and a short here and there. Temporarily removing the Posts to Expect section of this thing so that I won't really feel pressured and everything!

Anyway--I hope you guys really liked what went up last week! Standstill is something I'm really happy with; it was originally supposed to be a 500-750 word thing, but. That happened. 😅  I'll try to post more things like that in the future as previews or teaser, but. We'll see! 

"I'm looking forward to it."
That's all for this week. Wish me luck--I've got roughly a month left until my summer break!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Standstill: A Coalesce Short

Tadashi’s Apartment
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 2009

It happened again.

Tadashi couldn’t find the will to move from his current position. Lying curled up on the bed, he couldn’t help but wonder about the work he was already missing. A quick glance at his phone a few minutes before told him that he should have been at HQ ten minutes back. Despite this knowledge and despite knowing that his phone would buzz much later with messages and missed call from his co-workers, he couldn’t find the strength to move, the capability to do anything except lie in bed, drift in and out of sleep.

It was fine. It had been two days already. It was fine.

The bedroom was dark. The lights hadn’t been switched on for more than a day at that point; there was the running of the heater, but that was all. Silence was his only company, and he found that as sad as it seemed, it was exactly what he wanted. Silence was alright. Silence was enough. Silence was fine.

Dressed in some thick shirt and dark sweatpants, he could only roll over from time to time, sometimes glance up at the ceiling. Sometimes reach out, reach towards the ceiling as if there was something calling his name from above; all while this happened, he wouldn’t say anything, wouldn’t do anything else. Tadashi kept in bed, the sheets only half-covering his figure, with an arm outstretched as if wanting to chase for something that was no longer there.

He found himself doing that again. One hand reaching upwards, eyes trained on the ceiling. There was nothing there. There wasn’t anything to reach for. There was no one looking down at him. There was no one else in the room. There was no one else to wait for.

Moodboards: E.I.L.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Russ' Updates #130: Downtime

Hi guys! Happy Holy Week if you're celebrating it, and if you're not, then happy April! 

It's currently my HW break from today until Sunday; I'm at least hoping that I can post a bit more in the coming days despite me having papers and whatnot to do. If anything, I'm hoping I can get something out regarding the new trio and/or Tadashi! Keep an eye out for anything about those people; keep an eye out for posts in general. 

And speaking of the trio--I hope the new three have you guys somehow intrigued! To be honest, they're pretty fresh additions--especially the characters of Iris and Ezra. Their stories, as well as the mystery of what happened to Iris Hu, is something I hope I'll be able to talk more about soon. 🌼

"Keep watching, all!"

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Coalesce Graphic

Monday, April 3, 2017

Russ' Updates #129: Almosts

Good evening, Darlings!

It’s only a week left until the Holy Week Break (for me, at least)—just keep holding on for now! There are a lot of things due for me this week academically and non-academically, so at least give me time to get everything done before I (hopefully) come back full force on Friday.

Anyway, in case you haven’t noticed, I switched up the blog layout pretty recently! If the first three months of the year highlighted the models, this time around there’s going to be more focus on META. The character on the banner is Leo Vargas, who first appeared in Traditions. Expect more appearances from him as well as new characters within the weeks!

"Hello, hello!"
Smol update, by the way: I sort of have blog plans? I don’t want to give away too much, but I’d like to try something out by the end of May and for the entire month of July! More details will be given when I’m 100% sure that I can pull them off, but for now, stay hyped.

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Coalesce Graphic

That’s all for the week! Just a few more days and we’ll be okay. 💜

Narrative: A Coalesce Graphic

i put myself back in the narrative