Friday, August 17, 2018

Memory: On [redacted.]

Stop trying to remember.

What’s in the past should remain there. Events are unchangeable. Actions can no longer be reversed. What has been said can no longer be taken back. It’s too late, too far gone, too broken down to do anything about what has already happened.

Stop it.

It’s your fault for believing in someone who seemed infallible.

Why did you do it?

You knew that it wouldn’t last for her. You knew that her dreams were high and lofty; knew that she had a tendency to claw her way to the top. She didn’t care about the blood underneath her nails so as long as it got her where she wanted to be.

You could have stopped her.

You could have done something about it.

But you know what you’ve done. There’s nothing you can do to take it all back. All you can do is tend to the wounds; tend to the bruises on your wrist, the scratches on your arm. See the marks that she left. Wonder if it was all worth it to begin with.

Was it worth it?


It doesn’t matter anymore.

She made her choice. This is you making yours.

(Stop remembering, stop, stop, stop—)

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