Wednesday, September 26, 2012


"Do you see your life as a game?"
"Now that you've mentioned it, yes.
Sort of like Russian Roulette." 
"Are you willing to pull the trigger?"


Multi-chaptered Original Fiction. 

[Author's Note: First started off as a 2pShort, then a poster for fun.
I don't even know anymore, guys. xD]

Friday, September 21, 2012


"You will hear God's calling someday, ladies!"
"Ladies, God's call is just nearby."
"Listen to your heart, Sophomores."

I've never known how it felt to be enlightened by a higher being, until today. (in my case, it's God. I'm Catholic, after all.) How did it all begin? Well, today during lunch, our level was called to the level area for a few important announcements. After those announcements, my English teacher said something that made my heart race a hundred miles per hour and skyrocket into the heavens above. 

...don't look at me that way. I don't like him in that manner. 

Moving on, what I felt was weird. 

In my chest, it was like how I always feel whenever I see someone cute. My heart accelerated in its' beating, my breathing stopped for a few seconds, and I could feel my stomach roll around. In my mind, though, it was screaming. Screaming at me to listen to my English teacher. 

And to join the contest. 

The contest I'm speaking of is the Bic 2012 one for the Philippines. 

Admittedly, I wasn't even sure in the first place.

But I consulted my parents, my close friends, everyone...I was encouraged to join. 

The P15,000 prize motivated me. A little.

Hey, why not? 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Iva - 02

02 - Of Dreams and Reality
Mail Jeevas rolled onto his side, blue eyes gazing at the busy woman who was typing right next to him. "Ari," he called softly, reaching out to run a hand through her hair. "Love, it's so late..." the time on her laptop read 1:24 AM. As his fingertips graced her neck, she sighed and stopped, pressing a button on the sleek gadget and finally turning her head to face him. As the laptop shut down, she tucked it in the case and put it on the floor. 

He smiled as she curled up in his arms. "You should get some sleep if you want to work well tomorrow," he murmured, gently nuzzling her neck in an attempt to soothe her. "You'll do well with this case. I know you will." He waited for a response - one that consisted of a peck on the lips and a small smile on her face, but none came. Arianne's breathing deepened and slowed down, causing him to smile much more. 

"Good night, lovely," he whispered, securing his arms around her neck as he closed his eyes, soon drifting away to sleep as well.

Away from the house and into a hospital further away, a doctor asked for the condition of his currently unconscious patient. The nurse took one look at the heavily bandaged man and sighed, her eyes taking notice of the bandages carefully wound around his face, his eyes, nose, and mouth only seen. 

"No chance of waking soon, sir." 

The doctor heaved a sigh and walked out. The nurse could hear his final words. 

"He needs to." 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

FanFiction Writing Meme!

Taken from livejournal. :) 

1. How about a brief introduction of yourself? 

Hello! My name is Arianne Maxine. Currently, I am fourteen years of age and I've been writing since third or fourth grade, actually. At the moment, I'm writing for the Death Note fandom but focusing on my two characters for that particular universe. Fun Fact: I prefer writing on the PC/laptop rather than on paper with a pencil or a pen. 

2. And what got you into fanfiction to begin with? 

Well, I started reading FanFictions over at when I was just eight, and was deeply head over heels over the anime Pokemon, hahaha. It started from there, and I was inspired to make my own stories at a young age. So, I grabbed an old notebook and pencil, and just let loose. 

3. What kind of fanfiction do you like to write? 

Admittedly, I'm not so good with putting canon characters at the center of my writing. I'm more comfortable with placing my own characters into the story, so there's an answer. If you mean by genre, I'm really into writing romances and action. Then again, there are short stories...and novels/novellas. 

4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore? 

At the moment, I'm sticking to at least one or two pairings from the same fandom. It takes me a lot to get into certain fandoms, and at the moment, I'm a Death Note fanatic and a Hetalia fanatic as well, though Death Note is something I've been a fan of for a longer time. 

5. What is your most popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so? 

Judging from my abandoned old FanFiction account, I'm guessing it has to be Power Within. It was my very first "official" FanFiction, based on the Pokeverse when I was just a kid at that time. Long story made short, it had eight characters (Ash, Misty, May, Drew, Paul, Dawn, Brock, and Rose [OC]) blessed with elemental powers, lightning, water, fire, earth, steel, ice, rock, and air, respectively. All in all, they had to retrieve eight stones from each land they were entrusted to go to, as well as beat three witches. 

I stopped the story at some point because I simply lost the muse to go on. But, it was a good plot nonetheless. I might redo the story and maybe switch it from normal Pokeverse to AU Pokeverse, but who knows?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Iva - A Poster

"Pride and Wrath are a deadly combination."
Iva 2012. 

Forgive me, I can't seem to credit the lovely textures I used when
making this poster! D: So, here's my collection...I don't own anything, not
even the stock I used. Either way, I owe it very much to these
texture makers. Comment if you'd like to know here I got them!

List of Projects

the list of numerous projects

Royal Flush

>> Four girls mysteriously find themselves in a land flipped around, a world unlike their own. The world calls itself Cardverse and are reigned by four Kings of four different Kingdoms around the foreign land. Slowly immersing themselves within the separate places, these four girls soon find out that Cardverse isn't the type of land they saw in their childhood tales. With so much at stake and a looming Royal Flush conducted by a fearsome man, can they unravel the mystery and truth of the land, and find their way home as well?

>> Cardverse!Hetalia + OC FanFiction. 

>> Currently having trouble with chapter six, but there is no planned hiatus.

Cross Dimension

>> There are two worlds that exist, perfectly balanced on a string that connects us all. Earth has a counterpart named Hetar, and its' inhabitants have their own connections as well, but not as strong as the connections of a group of girls divided by their past mistakes. Said strings are invisible to the naked eye and are only said to grow stronger at a coincidental emotional and mental connection. One day, the string connecting the worlds starts to unravel slowly, and people from these worlds are interchanged, swapping one with the other. Only this certain group from Earth can find out - only, can they put away their differences and come together as one?

>> AU!Nyotalia + OC Fanfiction.

>> In the process of planning. 


>> A murder with three suspects, clues that don't lead to one another. This is another case A can't seem to solve. With her head wrapped around it so tightly, she seems to be forgetting the other obligations around her as well. Additional pressure from her boyfriend doesn't seem to bring good news, too. Can she balance work and love, and solve the case at the same time? 

>> Death Note AU + OC Fanfiction. 

>> Currently writing. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Iva - 01


“Which of the Seven Deadly Sins is the root cause of evil?”

* * * * * * * * * *


Piles and piles of paperwork rest on her desk. The woman standing at the foot of the door sighs, a hand moving up to rub her temples in her own exasperation. The sight of the papers only seemed to tire her out even more, and she felt a feeling of dread sinks into her slowly. This is great, just perfect. The sarcasm was loud, deafening. She grits her teeth as she slowly walked to her desk, savoring each step of freedom that decreased with the seconds that went by. They (the seconds) flew like wasps in the summer, taunting her, mocking her.

Where there even wasps in Tokyo, she didn’t know.

She was sure she didn’t care about their existence, though.

Amidst the papers lay a long, rectangular, cream-colored folder. She cocked a well-cared for brow. Now this spiked up her attention. She reached out for the object, soon grasping it in her small hand and long fingers. Carefully looking it over, her eye caught sight of a paper sticking out from the very inside. It was white, it was business-like, and it had a name type-written on it.

The initial sarcastic and exaggerated mood was replaced by a sense of God-forsaken dread. No, not another, she seethed. I just came from another one. He can’t possibly expect me to –

“Permission to come in, Miss A?”

Well, speak of the devil.

“Permission granted, Touta.”

A taller, older man walked inside, wearing a formal business suit compared to her green top and black pants. His black hair was in its’ usual spiked style, brown eyes warm as they met her weary green ones. A managed a small sigh. Touta was kind and patient, yes. But she would throw a fit if presented with another dreadful folder, another depressing…horrifying…

A wrecked case.
He noticed her defeated expression.

“I take it you’re sick.” it wasn’t even a question to begin with. Touta had an eagle-eye view of everything and everyone, including her. It wasn’t unsettling, but it wasn’t exactly comforting, either. He watched her, waiting for a reply.

“Not in particular. Sick…sick is too negative of a term.”

“Entertain me, then.”

“I find ‘tiresome’ much more suiting.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, then.” He let a half-smile come to his face. “However, this job is fully of nasty, unwanted surprises, Miss A. you, yourself, should know that quite well.” His eyes watched as she sat and she crossed her arms over her chest, having returned the folder back, looking untouched.

“Honestly, Touta, I just want a crime-free weekend.” Empty eyes gazed at the calendar, “And it’s Friday today.”

“Keep wishing. A thousand paper cranes would work.”

“I’m not patient. You know that.” he walked forward and sat on a chair in front of her desk, watching as the woman ran a hand through her hair slowly. “Touta, if you were to pick…which of the Seven Deadly sins is the root cause of evil?”

The Japanese blinked at the question.

Not only was it sudden, but it was also unrelated to what they were just speaking of.

“Er – the Deadly Sins?”

She nodded, taking out a memo pad and pen. She listed down the seven, descriptions of each following.

·        Gluttony: Overindulgence in food and drink
·        Sloth: Laziness; complete lack of motivation to act for one’s own good
·        Lust: Extreme desire, a need for pleasure for one’s self
·        Greed: Overindulgence in material objects, commonly wealth
·        Envy: Spiting others for objects you don’t have
·        Wrath: Anger with an intention to harm
·        Pride: An inflated sense of one’s own ego

“I take it these are your own interpretations, Miss A.”

“Of course.”

“No educational or religious basis?”

“I see these as I see them,” came her reply.

How vague.

Touta’s brow arched. Did she feel bitter, all of a sudden? Ignoring that, he thought of an answer to her inquiry. Her question, that puzzling ask.


She wasn’t surprised. A merely stared at him and looked him over from top to bottom. Touta felt nude. It was as if she were inspecting him like he was meat to be sold to hagglers. That only made him even more uncomfortable under her critical gaze. He didn’t want to look into her eyes, they were too revealing for her own good.

Then, she spoke. Soft, almost inaudible.

“Wrath is a close second.” A finger twirled itself within a lock of her own black hair. “But I choose pride.”

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Iva - A Case

What happens when all the clues don't add up?

Strugging with her work in Tokyo, A encounters one enough to make her unsure. A murder with the victim stuck and bound in a closet, suffering from internal bleeding. She identifies three suspects and three possible occurings, but for some reason, all the clues can't seem to get along. They either contradict each other or trace to impossible suspicions. With this case plus an overprotective boyfriend hot on her trail, how can she balance work, relationships, and herself?

Can she still prove herself worthy?

Iva 2012.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Luxuria, Superbia.

we all have them.
even the fictional ones.

It's Not Lit, For Once!

Hola to my awesome readers out there who frequently read this! It's currently 9:40 as I type this thing, and I'd like to greet you all a pleasant evening, morning, or afternoon. I don't know why I'm making this kind of post, exactly - to be honest, I can't think of what to post on this windy September first. Aside from the fact that Christmas is well on it's way and that the ber months are finally here, nothing is really popping into my head, you know?

For those who are wondering that Lit (in reference to my title) is, it's a shorthand version of Literature. Though most of you probably know that by now...yes, not a Lit post tonight. My ideas are coming rather shorthanded unfortunately, and it sucks. 

So um, this weekend is just filled with homework (just two) and resting, as well as Pewdiepie and writing. Add the Ateneo vs. La Salle game a while ago. I'll work on the homework tomorrow morning because I really do love procrastinating the morning is the best time for studies and such. Well, that's what my dad says. 

I plan to make a Seven Deadly Sins post for my two characters (A and Peters) and I shall get to that soon. Aside from that, I plan to post Chapter One of Royal Flush, a Hetalia + OC fic I've started last month. I haven't written the sixth chapter yet, but I'll get to that soon, as well! This is another project I really hope I'll complete. Laziness and writer's block just gets the best of me. 

My best friend Kloe and I had a Skype session, and it was fun. Here's a picture:

Yes guys, that's my best friend right there, and my derpy face below right. 
Anyway, that's it so far! I'll be working on that Seven Deadly Sins post now.