Monday, March 25, 2013

Ari Reviews: Wreck-It Ralph

Alright so as of late, I wasn't really in the mood to watch films, children's films in particular. I was badgered by my brother to watch and begrudgingly, I did. I thought it would be the regular kiddie movie - good guy's there, bad guy screws up his life, good guy fixes the problem and faces some personal dilemmas, good guy eventually has everything restored and bad guy redeems himself to set a good example to the kids. But nope.  I was wrong. Turns out the intended good guy was a bad guy who wanted to be good. And that, ladies and gents, was what got me into the story. 

Warning, spoilers ahead.

Wreck-It Ralph received raves from people I follow on Twitter (my schoolmates) and there were some retweets here and there that consisted of movie quotes and such. I would do what an ordinary person would do - read them, retweet or favorite if I liked the quote, and move on with my life without thinking of the film. So when my dad told he that he downloaded the film for my brother to watch, I thought - hey, isn't that the film my batchmates really like? And then I went on. But my brother made me watch with him and I gave in, preparing to have my notebook with me and not pay attention. 

Opening credits, Disney, yada-yada. Character's intro. Yada-yada. And then, BOOM. There was a video game. I was drawn in, and so I closed my notebook and decided to watch. Throughout the intro of Ralph (main character) describing himself and how he lived each day, I felt a connection with the guy and felt sorry for him. Then there was Fix-It Felix (who I grew to like) and then all the other cluster of characters in the story. Eventually the plot moved on and dear God, I was rooting for Ralph so much. The poor guy just wanted his freaking medal. So there was Ralph in Hero's Duty and then there was Sergeant Calhoun who was badass just amazing (and voiced by Jane Lynch, whoops spoiler alert). 

And then the story moved and then there was Vanellope. Alright, so I was slightly ticked off with the kid when she appeared. But that irritation went away later on when HEY SHE WANTED A MEDAL, TOO. But then things happened, things went ka-boom and crazy and all that until Ralph was brought in to the King's magical caste. And then things happened. 

Steering away from the main plot, side plot wise, there was Calhoun and Felix on their way to save Ralph (perhaps) and get rid of the Cy-Bug that made its way into Sugar Rush with Ralph. Things happened, and then I started shipping Calhoun and Felix. 

Plot here and there, and then there was the freaking tear-jerking moment when things had to be done. I would have shed a tear if my parents weren't watching with me. I was like. God. That was sad. I remember turning to my dad and saying, "this is a kid's movie, why did this just happen" so on and so forth. But things were restored and THEN another plot twist came, which was followed by a bunch of feelings and then the eventual happy ending. (Good news: My ship sailed.)

While remaining as vague as possible to those who are reading and haven't seen the film, here I discuss the rest of the film's aspects starting with the graphics.

Dear God the graphics. I may have gotten a bad copy of the film (as it wasn't that nice when watched in full-screen) but even I could tell that the way this film was animates was really great. Even the movement of the little people from the Fix-It Felix game was enough to make me laugh. And then there were the cameos from other video game goodies and baddies - Sonic here, Pacman there, and they threw in Bowser and Dr. Eggman for some good times. The whole thing was filled with cameos. 

The plot was great - twists that made me wonder how it was possible (and then eventually getting it), emotional moments making me all teary-eyed, and then there was Ralph. The set of characters were all just. NYUGH. Ralph, Felix, Calhoun, Vanellope...all of them were fantastic. And let me just say that I adore Calhoun. She is just amazingly badass and God, my ship with her and Felix just set sail at the end of the movie. 

I don't have any bad comments for the film. Unless I wasn't paying attention, I'd like to know how (spoiler ahead, skip if you haven't seen the film) Turbo was able to get into Sugar Rush and disguise himself as the King. I'd be grateful if someone would explain! That's the only question that kept pestering me. 

But overall, it's great. The movie wowed me and proved that even a family/kid's film can keep a pesky fifteen-year-old entertained althroughout. Now, I understand why so many schoolmates of mine enjoyed it - and I'm proud to say that I did, too. So to anyone who hasn't watched it - please do! As much as possible, watch it with friends and/or family, though I'd suggest family. It's a great film, great plot, great set of characters - and anyone who watches is bound to enjoy. 

Certified A for Awesome. *thumbs up plus happy Andrew*

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