Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Get it together."

“You are destined for great things, Eri Elysia.”

An explosion woke her up.

The woman’s eyes snapped open at the sound, her hand scrambling for the switch. The lights went on and she peered out of the window, pushing away the dark green curtains that shielded her from the view. Voices chanted from outside, and her eyes widened. She didn’t waste any time in getting out of bed and slipping on a robe before running out, charging down the stairs.

Mutti, Vati,” she yelled, cringing at another sound. “The Storm and Cloud are revolting outside, the clans are causing a mess!” her black hair swished as she moved, finally reaching to a stop as she found herself in the main hall. There was her mother and father, as well as advisors. Her eyes caught two women waving madly, and she raced to Cissa Erstürmen and Lisa Sonne.

“Eri, we tried to keep you asleep,” Cissa tried, but the former’s eyes narrowed with irritation. “We really did!”

“Asleep – why did you keep me asleep when Technika is going into a rage?!” she demanded. “When did you even get here – I don’t remember asking you two to come and stay!”

“Your mother told us to come as soon as the first explosion came,” Lisa explained, biting her lip. “We had to be sure nothing happened to you, that nothing would get to you. We had Cissa deepen your sleep and warriors patrol your bedroom for the time being.” Eri tore her eyes away from her friends and turned to her mother, who was directing orders to the soldiers of the Elysian royalty.

“See to it that whoever is leading those riots get a good message,” she instructed. Soon enough, her eyes met Eri’s, and they softened slightly.

“Yes, Ms. Blitz.”

“Eri, love – you have to understand. The Storm and the Cloud are dangerous, they are leading an uprising against us.” The older woman knelt on one knee and put her hands on Eri’s shoulders. “Please understand this. I had your friends come over to put up a resistance, to keep us safe.”

“But their families,” she tried, but Lisa smiled.

“Safe. I’ve told them to move.”

“Same here.” Cissa glanced at Lisa. “We’ve got things under control, Eri. You have to calm down and let your mother handle this.”

Eri took a deep breath.

“Fine.” She looked at her mother. “Fine. But I have to know who from the Storm and Cloud are leading the revolts.”

“I can promise it’s not anyone from my clan.” Spoke Cissa, a touch of disgust in her voice. “They’ve got the water – we have the air. I bet it’s Celeste’s family.”


“And Alpha from the Cloud.” Lisa looked away. “Though I wouldn’t know why it’s them leading and not the designated leader.”

“Alpha’s mother isn't here.” Eri broke away and paced around. “Celeste’s is the main leader. I don’t know anymore. I don’t even know why this is happening.” She looked up. “But the worst that can happen is the joining of the Himmel clan…”

“Himmel?” questioned Blitz.

Eri’s lips tightened.

“Amaya.” Cissa let off an irritated growl.

“Amaya…of course.”

“But aren’t there others in the neutral side of things? Like Collette, Oddette, and, and – and Arturia?”

“I bet they are.” Eri closed her eyes. “They don’t like to fight. They’ve never liked wars. Their clans – lightning, mist, and rain – have never had any history in which they participated in or waged a fight with another clan.”

“We can always recruit,” Lisa suggested. The three noticed they were the only ones left in the Main Hall.

“No. I don’t want anyone else getting into this. Not even you two.”

“Excuse me? Are you out of your mind, Eri? Those two clans are deadly when combined; do you want either of them taking the Elysian rule away from you?”

She didn’t answer. Cissa sighed. “Be reasonable, Eri. As the future matriarch of the Elysia family as well as Technika, you have to get your mind together. You aren’t the successor to the throne for nothing."

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