Saturday, March 16, 2013


These are my memories
An enigma composed of
The truth and what it
Has become

The line between
Fantasy and reality
Blurred momentarily
Waiting for a small push

This small passage in time
That is composed of
All my anxiety
My obsequious praise
For someone with the face
Of glamorous beauty
And hidden treachery

The choice to let go
The path to righteousness
This red-filled slate
I wish to get rid of

This page is white
My thoughts are hued
If I set the pen down
Shall these blank pages
Be filled with my unstable
Erratically moving
Perpetual thoughts?

This is for you
The destruction you caused
My own downfall
That you so carelessly
Cast upon on me

This is for you
My enemy
My wicked fate

This is for you
And to you I say


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