Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Final Push

With a lot of tears shed and great news received a couple of days back, I think I'm officially ready to end this year with a bang. Everything will go by swiftly, and before I know it, the bell would have rung and all my tears would flow down once more. It's not my fault I'm a sensitive person. Though it seems like I'm a tough little thing on the outside, I'm pretty much the epitome and representation of sensitivity and all things mushy. Back to the topic - eventually papers will come and go, pens will run dry. Erasers will be lost (or found, depending on the person's luck) and scratch papers will be the only thing contained by the trash bin.

All things must come to an end. This is what I realize as I type this right now, surrounded by my books and notes, with a few highlighters here and there. My Sophomore year will end and eventually, I'll be shifting from red to yellow - from the third floor to the fourth. My ranking as Sophomore will change to Junior, and I'll be one step away from leaving my second home, my school. If this year was a confused flux about guys and trips and whatnot, next year would be a jumble of feelings as I would step into the venue with a possible prom date. I would fill up application forms and settle on a course. Asian History would turn into World History, and Biology to Chemistry. Statistics would fade and be replaced with Geometry.

Teachers will change and classmates will as well. I could be stuck with tentative enemies or possible friends depending on my future actions. Fights could occur and making up can happen. There are waters I have yet to swim, yet to tread. But that is the future, and this is now. This is the moment to take it all in and let it out. The Seniors will move to their respective universities and my older friends will go away. More responsibilities will be thrust upon me as I take on the position of News Editor of the school publication next year. Despite all of this, I have learned. I have lessons from my Kinder One days to my Sophomore days that I can bring with me next year.

I have tackled the mysteries of biodiversity as I studied the different kingdoms and phylums. I have learned from the most basic of maths to the Quadratic Formula and how to determine if one piece of information is more clustered than the other. I have learned the basic alphabet and applied it to analyzing African literature and Japanese plays. From basic Philippine history, I now know how one single action could affect the entirety of Asia, as well as the world, that civilizations were found, that nationalism was brutally yet peacefully fought for. From basic introductions in Tagalog into connecting events in Florante at Laura and the present time, as well as using this knowledge to construct and give life to a song written in a day. From the creation of the world to fulfillment of God's word in the New Testament. I have inspected a frog's internal organs. I have discovered how important it is to live a healthy life. I have learned how to dance the Korean Fan Dance, how to animate in Adobe Flash, how to bake (and witness that I actually have a chance in learning how to cook as well), and how to present music in a more artistic way.

There are so many things that I have learned, written down, and typed. All of this, though some are now vague in my little mind, contain small memories which mean a lot to me as a student, as a Catholic, as a developing woman of faith and action.

I will miss my set of teachers for this year. My motherly Class Adviser, the firm yet gentle Biology teacher as well as TIC, the enigmatic English teacher, the energetic Filipino teacher. I will miss the Asian History teacher who jokes along with everyone else, the Algebra/Statistics teacher who keeps reminding me to smile despite the odds, and the quirky, youthful Home Economics teacher. I will miss them, yet what they have taught me throughout this year will always stick to mind.

I will miss my section and the others. Section one who grew in unity, section three who never wavered, section four with their diversity. And of course, section two - enthusiastic and undeniably unpredictable. We may have gone through some rough patches as a section, but in the end, we made it. From IP groups to row mates to column mates, II-2, you are an amazing set of classmates. If only it were block section, yeah?

I'll miss a lot more things. From the corner of the level where my friends hung out, to the cafeteria table where we ate and laughed and debated for an entire school year. I'll miss the Seniors, my club mates who might be leaving, and the weight of the Biology book pressed against my back. I'll miss the snarkiness of my teachers and the witty comebacks of my classmates. All the tears, the laughter, the joys and even the pains - I'll miss them all.

Friday is the very last day of my Sophomore year.

With that much time left, I should make the most out of it.

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