Sunday, June 30, 2013

Degrees of Separation

“You weren’t supposed to be here,” Eri stated stoically, watching as the figures of the three people vanished into thin air. Her arms were folded over her chest, green eyes focused on the spot where they disappeared, her voice flat and neutral. “You were supposed to be up there. Monitoring the data cloud and encoding the lost data we just received this morning.”

The man behind her smiled, walking right next to her and extending an arm to wrap it around her shoulder. But he hesitated at the look on her face, letting it fall almost pathetically to his side. “Cissa and I are waiting for a quarter of the data. She told me it would take maybe a few hours until a hundred percent restoration.” His voice too took the same amount of neutrality hers had. “She told me I could take a break. I’ve been in there for more than twenty-four hours,” he chuckled at this and waited for her to laugh, but none came.

Nothing at all.

“Then why didn’t you go back to your compound and sleep? You looked like an idiot wandering around the outskirts of New Technika,” she replied, taking the teleport disc out of her coat. “And you smell like coffee and those non-addictive cigarettes they’ve been selling.”

“Data protecting takes a lot from you, darling.”

“Don’t call me that.” She glared, “I’m not your darling. And I’ll never be anyone’s darling.” Eri Blitzschnell shoved past him, walking off towards the left side of the crossroads, firmly holding the teleport disc in her hands in case the man would catch up from behind. She didn’t need to be hounded by a redheaded prat – she needed to go back to her own room and rest.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Battle-Scarred: A Playlist

Their story had five stages.

Internal Struggle.
Together or Not.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Collision of Earth and Lightning

A sigh left Arzen's lips as she picked up the phone's contents, carefully sliding the battery back in and firmly shutting it with the lid. This was one of the times wherein she was thankful her phone was indestructible. There wasn't even a scratch on the black case or on the keypad - it was like she didn't even throw it at all.
The wall, on the other hand, was another story.
"This is getting out of hand," she muttered as she sat down on the bed, turning the gadget back on and seeing she had no new messages. "I bet she's having fun over there."

A cold breeze entered her room; goosebumps rose on her skin. 
"I swear I closed that window..." the girl stood up and walked out of her room, walking straight to it and closing it firmly. "It's too cold for June, what the hell?" 
At that, she went back in. 

And someone was sitting on her bed. 

Eating a bar of Hershey's milk chocolate. 

Beside him were other sweets.

And a bottle of coke zero, nearly empty.

His golden eyes met her brown ones, and he gave a calm smile her way. 

Arzen Venura could only stare as the Watcher set the sweet back down, wiping his hands with a white handkerchief from his coat pocket. 



Monday, June 17, 2013


I can't freaking move on to series five of Doctor Who. I'm sorry, but I just can't. After Nine and Ten, after Rose, Martha, and Donna? So here's the thing. I did try watching the first episode of series five. I saw Eleven groping at his face, complaining that he still wasn't ginger, all of that. I liked it. And then he crashed into a little girl's garden and all that, and then he went away. 

Well. That's where I stopped.

See, I've got a tumblr and spoilers always come on tumblr. So of course, I see a lot of graphics, rants, gifs and whatnot from series five to seven, and I'm like, "oh that's fine! I can just catch up yaddy yaddy ya". Apparently, I was wrong. Really, really wrong. 

It doesn't appeal to me anymore.

We've got mad Eleven and his girl who waited as well as the last centurion and the Doctor's wife. And when they leave, we've got the impossible girl who bakes souffles and was born to save the Doctor.

Hold on, hold on. What?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fire&Ice: A Playlist

Both of them are different. A living contrast.
But what they don't know is how a contrast can adjust.
How it can become a cooperation, a working union.

If likened to elements, Peters would be fire and A would be ice.
Fire because he burns through anything and makes himself known.
Ice because of her firmness yet how easily fragile she really is.

Despite their differences, they have to admit -
Both of them really are similar. They're just too stubborn to admit it.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Red, Blue, Yellow.

I walk across the empty street littered with the banderitas streaked red, blue, and yellow. Some tables are deserted, empty bottles of beer left on top, and some others carry half-empty bowls of pulutan - nuts and whatnot. It is an early five o'clock in the evening, yet everyone had gone back in their own houses, turning on their televisions and switching the channels to ABS or GMA or whatever to catch up with their afternoon dramas that would air right before the news would begin. 

Of course, this scene would always happen. People bustling out with grins on their faces as they danced around with banderitas hanging around. Men would be drinking and lazing, talking about the good old times and the women would be monitoring their children who would be playing ice, ice water or langit lupa. Teenagers would be walking around and would talk about their day-to-day life, complaining that school would resume in a week, and the elderly would watch them from the second floor of the house, complaining about the heat.

Once midnight would strike, all of that would be over. Gone. 

Time would play once more, and people would go back to their regular lives. Complaining about the traffic on EDSA, blabbing on their phones and scheduling dates or nights out. Doing the laundry in the smoldering heat and wishing the rainy days would come once more. Staying in their rooms and fanning themselves exhaustively, and eventually falling asleep as their usual siesta kicked in. All of the previous day's events, forgotten and not to be remembered until three hundred and sixty-four days later, where the decorations would be taken out and the people would strum their guitars and sing. 

They've been saying that children do not know the background of their country as much compared to their knowledge about who's been wearing what and who's staring on that new Hollywood flick just released. Rolling their eyes as they eyed the history books with disdain in their eyes, saying that too many details have been left out and that explanation on the Martial Law was too little, too unspecified. 

But really, is that the reason why? Are textbooks lacking facts the reason why the people of today not know the tale of our country's past? Are social media and society to blame? Or is it because of the factors that surrounded them while they grew up - the lack of storytelling and explanations, the lack of answers to such a simple question that was hushed just because the one being asked was too busy with a program on the television?

People focus on so many things. Afternoon shows spurting out nonsense while scantily-clad young women would go around, shaking their bodies in what would seem 'sexy' and 'attractive', commercials tempting you to buy lotion that would turn your skin from tanned to fair. There's the news, focusing on Mr. So-And-So knocking up Ms. Whoever-It-Is and people debating whether Mrs. What's-Her-Name should return to showbiz and quit politics. That's us - focused on the unimportant things.

But what about the issues between our nation and the other nations? What about the climb and fall of our economy? What about the possible cheating done during the recent elections? What about lessening the number of corrupt people seated in the high seats and decreasing the rate of poverty, percent by percent? Where's the focus on that?

But most of all, where's the focus on the people who fought and shed their blood for us, the people who yelled their promises for our nation and the people who battled to the last breath for our freedom?

All of them, shoved inside banderitas and pulutan waiting to be taken out on the twelfth of June.

All of them, stored in teeny textbooks that still lack the facts we need to hear.

The red of their blood, wasted.

The blue of their spirit, crumbled.

The yellow of their integrity, blown away.

And the white of their sincere intentions, turned black.

All of those colors blended and put on our flag, disregarded.

A stick attached to a flaglet crunches under my foot, and I stop and bend down to pick it up.

It appears worn and crumpled, my footstep etched upon it and stained with the brown soil that remained on the soles of my rubber slippers.

With the sun starting to set, I press my lips against the smooth paper of the flaglet and whisper a promise to the spirits to the heroes above, who fought to let me have the freedom I have now.

And I walk away, ready to prove myself a hero just as they were.

~*Happy Independence Day to the Philippines!*~

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ari Reviews: Dash and Lily's Book of Dares

A red moleskine left on a shelf in a bustling book shop.
Dash picks it up and discovers clues inside - and follows them.
And that begins the back-and-forth passing of the strange red notebook.

Two people are involved.

A girl, who awaits just the right guy to accept the dares.
And the boy, drawn in by the unusual tasks, wondering who this girl is.

But of course, passing it back-and-forth with various clues and instructions?
It isn't that easy.

He-yo! Welcome to Ari Reviews and good afternoon to you all! It's been a while indeed since I've done a book review (for me, at least). Judging by the picture above, yes, I'll be reviewing Dash and Lily's Book of Dares, which was written by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. 

Backtracking for a bit, I recall buying this book while I was out with my friends (Giselle and Kloe), and then forgetting I had even bought it. So last May, I finally told myself to get up and read this thing - and here I am now, making a review about it!

The Read More is going to be there in case you want to venture on. I won't be putting any major spoilers and whatnot, so it's safe for you to go in. You know, just in case you don't want to be spoiled unlike my aunt who found out about the Red Wedding before she even watched it. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Error: Feelings Not Encoded

It was already five PM, and two teachers remained inside the fourth year faculty room, one typing on his laptop and the other one encoding grades into a computer. It was silent, for the most part, except for the numerous pressing of keys on the keyboard, the clicking of a mouse, and the whirring of the ceiling fan that gently blew air onto them. Miraculously enough, neither of them got into a spat with the other. The two simply focused on their work, eyes glued on the screen as the minutes passed.

The woman brushed strands of her out of her eyes, saving the file much after. A sigh left her lips and she checked the time on the corner of the screen. Apparently, time decided to be quick and it was now six minutes after half past five. Luckily enough for her, it was the weekend, and the sooner she could encrypt the grades, the sooner she could get back home and curl up in bed with a bowl of macaroni and cheese in her hands.

“Are you done yet, Sylvia?” came the voice from the other side of the room.

She sighed yet again.

“Not yet. I still need to compute and finalize section four’s grades.” She got up from her chair and walked towards the coffee maker, eyeing the two remaining packets. She made a mental note to buy more coffee. “You want some coffee? I think you’ll need it if you’re going to encode grades after me.” Sylvia glanced at him, expecting his eyes glued on the screen, but to her surprise (and slight delight), he looked at her with a slight smile and nodded.

No wisecracks.

No insults.

No teasing.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Ari Reviews: Paramore

I finally got off my lazy bum and decided to finish this review. 

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another Ari Reviews post! It's been a while ever since I reviewed something, and I'm glad to finally do it again. This time, I'll be reviewing an album by a band that holds a special place in my heart. I went to their concert two months ago, and I've been immensely excited for this one.

Yes, I'll be doing Paramore's latest album, their self-entitled one released two months ago in the Philippines. I've given it a listen and I'm going to do so again - so, if you want to know what I think of this new album and all these new tracks, click the Read More button over there and read on.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Clinging to the Remaining Days

Hi, guys! 
So it's already June 1, and in twelve days I'll be starting my Junior Year. But before that, I've got a workshop I need to attend next week from Tuesday to Friday. I'll try as much as possible to post whenever I can, especially since classes start on June 13 and I'll be pretty much busy from that point on. 
Blog anniversary is coming up this August, and I've got one more thing added to the "things I'll do to show my happiness" list. I'm quite excited to do it, since it's something I really, really love to do. Spoiler alert: it's not going to be a written piece. And it's not going to be a drawing, since I'm terrible at that.
That's pretty much all for today - hopefully, I'll keep posting, but we'll see about that since June is here and I don't really want to go to school yet. God, summer's really fast. 

Facebook now has a 'how do you feel' thing added when you post.
Since GIFs can't load over there, I'll post how I feel here.

With a GIF.

I'm sorry, that was cruel.