Friday, June 6, 2014

Vices: A Race **Chapter 011** (1/2)



Matt was always convinced that nothing could be worse than a paranoid Matsumoto. When that would happen, guards would swarm all over and security would triple. The man would rarely leave his office, and when he did, not even Matt could penetrate the barrier (or throng, he would mock) of guards that accompanied Matsumoto wherever he would go. 

On that day, it had somehow gotten worse.

Meetings were piling and papers had to be signed. The Englishman had gone to two meetings that day in his superior’s place, easily representing the KM Corporation with an easy smile and charisma radiating from all over him. It was easy after the two meetings, but the smiling started to hurt and the bickering with idiots made his blood boil. 

Matsumoto was supposed to do it. 

The itch to smoke out of irritation was there. The need to drink something to avoid the coming headache was there. Matt’s hand twitched for his box of cigarettes but he refused, keeping his hand at his side as he walked back inside the building with a less-than-pleased look on his face. The others must have realized how he felt, for he was being talked to less than usual. 

That was good, he thought. At least they knew their shit.

The last thing he wanted was yelling a poor guy to trembles and squeaks when they clearly had no fault at all. He grit his teeth and pushed the button, waiting impatiently for the elevator to come down and pick him up.

Once it did, a harassed-looking fellow stumbled out with a clearly ticked off look on his face. He recognized the man as Yamanaka from Sales and instead of asking what had happened, went inside the elevator and pressed the button to a certain floor, watching as the doors swept to a close and began to rise.

Matsumoto had been working himself into oblivion, that wasn’t to be avoided. Matt swore the prick ran on coffee and deli before passing out, waking up and drinking coffee then repeating the cycle. He wondered when the day would come that Matsumoto twitched himself out of his office in a caffeine-induced high.
The thought, at least, was slightly amusing.

The doors opened and he stepped out, cigarette in his mouth for he had given up and desperately needed to smoke out his problems. Hell. Maybe Matsumoto would join him, he almost never refused to do so unless he had a visitor coming and wanted to smell fresh, minty. Somewhat clean and crisp like what was expected. 

The guards didn’t notice him. They almost never did unless Matt would ask something and they would answer in a monotonous kind of voice. 

“Is he inside?”

The guard by the door nodded. “He does not want any visitor.”

“What, not even me?”

“My apologies, Mr. Jeevas, but that was strictly his orders.”

“Bollocks to that,” the ginger muttered darkly before knocking on the door. The guard’s eyes flashed in a spike of anger, but in Matt’s own, he simply didn’t notice (or care) and merely waited for some kind of reply, an answer, anything.

“I am a very busy man!” 

“Matsumoto, we have to talk.”

“I’m busy, Matt. Now leave the floor before I have you escorted out.” 

“Escorted?” the word was undeniably foreign. “What, am I some kind of fucking intruder or someone who wants your autograph?” he turned to the guard by the door, “Tell him to let me in. He’s being ridiculous.”

“Matt. I told you, out.”

“Mr. Jeevas, I’ll have to make you leave if you go on,” the guard said, obviously uncomfortable with doing such a thing. “It’s on Mr. Matsumoto’s orders to not let anyone in, even myself or you.”

He looked the man in the eye before shaking his head angrily and turning away, taking out his lighter as well.
Smoking was prohibited on the hallways. 

As the guard watched Matt board the escalator going down, he decided to let it pass.

His irritation continued for the rest of the day until he got home, throwing his jacket off and smelling strongly of nicotine. He merely ignored her pained stare and climbed up the stairs to go to their bedroom, most likely wanting to change. 

“And they call me stressed,” she muttered quietly, pouring herself a cold glass of water and gulping it down.
He eventually came back and sat on the couch, closing his eyes and exhaling loudly, A cautiously bringing him a steaming cup of tea to check how irritated he was.

“I’m fine without the tea,” he grumbled upon smelling the oddly entrancing scent. A frowned this time.

“Too bad, I’m not drinking it.”

“What do you want me to do with a steaming cup?” he asked her exasperatedly. 

“Wash your knickers with it. Drink the damn thing, obviously.” Matt opened his eyes with a scowl and took a sip, grimacing at the lack of sweetness. 

“It isn’t even that sweet! And…why in the bloody seven hells does it taste like nothing?”

Her temper spiked. “If you want your own sweetened tea, make your own and stop complaining.” A walked off afterwards, fuming even more under her calm face and cool façade that she put on. 

 Matt merely sighed and didn’t reply any longer, drinking his tea despite the lack of taste. He didn’t want to admit it – but the tea somehow raised his spirits despite his temper.

In the kitchen, A rubbed her temples and poured herself a glass, drinking deeply from it and not noticing Matt as he entered the room with an empty club and sobered down expression, turning from mildly upset to disappointed when he caught her. 

With the wine glass.

“You told me you’d stop,” he said with a slightly more irritated tone, making her jump. “A, you told me–”

“I told you I’d restrict myself, but can you blame me?” she snapped. “God, damn it all. Someone can die because of incompetence in the next few days, the squad is working their asses off and Thomas hasn’t gotten anything new.” Wanting to spite him, she took another drink and ranted on, “I make you a cup because you weren’t talking and I wanted you to talk but now you’re here going on about my drinking when I clearly don’t want to drink.” 

She lifted the wine bottle, walked to the trash can, and threw it in. 

“Now my wine’s all finished and I have to get a new bottle. And I have to sleep.” She set her empty glass in the sink and started to walk out, but Matt grabbed her wrist silently, making her stop. 

“Can you listen to me? Please,” he added, sensing her want to go away, “I’m sorry. If Touta wasn’t his usual, jolly self, you’d be worrying as well.”

“What did he do this time?”

“He didn’t want to let me into his office. Guards were swarming. I think he’s really getting paranoid, and it’s going to affect the company if he continues any sooner.” She went into deep thought and he watched as she glanced back at him, expression neutral. 

“We might have to investigate into Kenichi if something happens.”

“I know,” he exhaled and ran a few fingers through his hair, “And I want to avoid that.”

“So do I. Look,” she took her phone out of her pocket and handed it to him, “Why don’t you call and ask him what’s going on?”

“What?” he shook his head, “I can’t. He won’t say anything, A, you know that. He won’t even answer.”

“That’s why you’re going to use my phone. If he sees it’s me, he might think I’ll be asking where you went again and is more likely to answer.” She typed in her passcode and swiped, finding his name and contact number. “I’ll talk first, bring you up, and hopefully that’s going to help us in this investigation.”

Matt looked at her phone and sighed, nodding. 

“Trust me on this.

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