Monday, June 30, 2014

The Beginning: A Caffè Americano Challenge Short

“Happy birthday, Peters!”

He turned around in surprise, spotting A rushing to him with Mack and Touta on her heels. She smiled this time (which surprised him – since when did she smile?) and shoved something into his hands, something large and heavy and bottle-shaped. He threw the woman a look.

“Is this alcohol–”

“No take backs. This is *good* alcohol.” Mack clasped Peters on the back and handed something square, this time wrapped in red paper with a golden ribbon affixed on top.

“Enjoy this, assbite.”

Peters said nothing. Touta came forward next, holding something small this time, smaller than the square parcel. “I can’t believe you’re twenty-six,” the Japanese said in disbelief. “You don’t look that old.”

“Drinking from the fountain of youth,” he replied with a smirk. A rolled her eyes.

“Or actually eating healthy and working out on a regular basis.” She poked his arm.

“That too. Thanks, really – I told you not to get me anything,” Peters defended. It was true – he had specifically requested for no gifts. He wasn’t the type of person who would hold a grudge if he received nothing on his birthday. Mack shrugged.

“Touta and A wanted to, so I tagged along. Wasn’t supposed to get you something to make you happy, but I found that,” he nodded at the square, “And thought you’d like it. So accept them. No take backs, as A said, or she’ll skin you alive.”

She knew he was happy.

For once, Peters and A were actually getting along – Touta had cast them looks throughout the night just in case they were heavily intoxicated (and knowing A, that was a certain option). Unusually, they were fine – sober. They were talking calmly about a show they both watched, and A had just burst into a peal of laughter at what Peters had said.

Jinx felt relieved.

She knew that it took the pair years to actually grow that close. She remembered A and Peters’ fight in the hallway from years back – three or four years, actually – and was thankful that they were alright. At least, for the night – she saw A punch Peters’ shoulder and the American merely laugh harder.

“They seem oddly cheery tonight,” she murmured to Olsen, who was drinking a cup of tea. The sandy-haired youth smiled brightly.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen him and A laughing together in ages,” he said happily. “I’m not sure if it’s because it’s Peters’ birthday or because they can actually tolerate one another for once. Right, Dee?” the brunette next to him nodded.

“As long as nothin’ happens, they’ll be fine.” She grinned. “Let them enjoy, J.”

“I am enjoying. Touta looks like he’s going to explode,” she quipped dryly, and Dee laughed heartily after glancing at the superior a few feet away.

“Of course he is! They might be planning something against him,” the lady chirped. Seats away, A had just left her squad mate for Matt, who was casually playing billiards while keeping an eye on a World Cup game, which was playing on the screen of the TV. Peters turned his eyes to J, lifting a glass with a funny smile on his lips.

“How’d you get A to be so happy, Whiskers?” the woman inquired, studying the redhead and the black-haired lady this time – Matt started teaching her how to play, and she smiled upon having his hands touch hers. “Is it because of Matt?”

“His presence might have calmed her down,” Peters said, and took a drink from his beer. “But mostly, we’re alright. She’s not getting mad. I’m not getting mad. It’s like we finally got ourselves together and decided to start again as friends. It’s a nice change.”

“Having A smile is a nice change.” He offered her his beer and she declined, making his lip curl up in amusement. “And it was nice for Mack to volunteer his place for some kind of get together-slash-party.”

“He pushed me to approve. Couldn’t say no.” he pushed the bottle away and looked at her, seeing a few curls over her face. He brushed them away, “But it’s been a nice three hours. Dinner, drinking, and the World Cup replay right on the screen. Olsen and Touta are betting on the next game.”

“Are you betting?”

He snorted.

“I don’t even watch the thing.”

“Good. The news goes on and on about it all the time,” she grumbled, and he flashed a grin.

“Don’t talk to Matt, then. He’s taking England’s loss hard.”

Jinx’s eyes moved to the clock. He noticed.

“Do you wanna go home…?” she shook her head and he frowned, making her smile just a bit at his concern. “Really, J–”

“I’m fine, not frail. But really. You should enjoy.” She turned to look at the scene, “A and Matt are playing billiards. Olsen and Dee are watching the replay, and Touta is just about to join them. All of this is for you, Peters.”

“Seems hard to believe,” the American muttered. Jinx rolled her eyes.

“Get used to it. These people are your family now.” She got off the stool, “Family by blood, family by water, tolerable or irritating…still family nonetheless.”

He stayed quiet for a moment.

“If they’re family, then what are you?”

She stared blankly as he got off as well, leaving the bottle discarded on the counter.  

“Don’t push it,” she muttered, but he smiled anyway.

“When have I ever?”

It was either she smile and let him grin stupidly, or kiss him to shut him up.

She chose the latter. 

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