Sunday, June 15, 2014

Choices: Tokyo -- A Caffè Americano Challenge Short

Central HQ.
Tokyo, Japan.


“…Matsuda. It’s been some time, I see. But today is not the time for reconciliation and nostalgia.” Touta’s eyes hardened as he listened to the robotic voice, “I want you to manage the applications of two new agents who would be arriving in the middle of the year. Manage them appropriately.”

“Agents? Near – we don’t need agents,” he argued. “It’s been only a few months since the end of the Kira case and you want us to bring in more agents?”

“I intend for that, Matsuda. And please call me with the appropriate title.”

You are not L, he thought bitterly, but kept his mouth shut.

“As much as possible, we would need new recruits. All the ones that I’ve read through are hopeless so far. However, I have stumbled upon a certain two. The first one is a young woman from Winchester, who was actually suggested to me by the current managers of the Wammy House. The second is someone from the United States, son of a police officer who currently works in the New York Police Department.”

He thought about this.

A lady from where he had come from, and the son of a police…

“L, the last time we took in a police’s son, he…you know how he ended up,” he finished rather lamely, folding his arms over his chest. “How do you know that he’s worth hiring?”

“His father is renowned there in New York, but that’s a different topic. I have looked over their bio data and have found nothing wrong with them.”

“So how can I contact them?”

“It’s quite simple. I have the young woman’s file and have already sent them to you, together with that of the male’s.”

“But we didn’t even put any kind of advertising–”

“I have my ways.”

He sighed. Of course Near – L did.

“Right after this conversation, open your email and see that I have sent them to you. Download those attachments and delete the email, please. Once you have done that, look over their files and make the necessary arrangements. The young lady’s will be easier. You’ll be working with Wammy’s on that.”

“Right. But for the man?”

“He might have some…questions. Answer them as much as you can, but don’t give him too much to ponder upon. I don’t want either of them to back out.”

“I shall be looking forward to the success of this recruitment, Matsuda.”

And the call ended.

The Peters’ Residence
New York, The United States of America.

“...I don’t believe this shit,” Samuel managed.

On the screen of his laptop was an opened email.

Good day, Mr. Peters.

We have received your application form and are pleased to confirm that you are qualified to work here in Central HQ, Tokyo, Japan. Please make arrangements with me as soon as possible. Feel free to consult with your father, Mr. Nathan Peters, if you wish to do so.
We sincerely hope that you take this opportunity. Please reply within three days of your final answer and arrangements. If you have any further questions, then please address them immediately so that I may answer them.
Touta Matsuda.

Nathan Peters entered his son’s room, brows narrowed.

“Sammy? What is it?”

“Dad, I…look at this,” he managed, turning the laptop around so that he could read. Nathan took a seat on the foot of Samuel’s bed, and began to read the email.

With each passing word, his eyes widened.

At the end of it, he was gaping.

“They accepted my application. The force from Tokyo.”

“I could see that,” Nathan replied slowly, running a hand through his graying hair. “Jesus Christ…Touta Matsuda. I’ve heard of him from work. Is this a legitimate email?”

“It has an attachment – an actual letter with his signature and a stamp,” he pointed at the picture attachment, “This is real. This is the real deal, dad.”

“…I guess police academy worked,” he said gruffly. “But all the way at Japan? Christ, kid. That’s too far away from us.”

“But this is an opportunity,” Samuel answered, standing up all of a sudden and pacing in his room. “Dad, I can work. I can finally start working there. I can move to Tokyo myself and visit when I have the time – visit you and mom and Jake, if I can, and make a life for myself in Japan. I can’t be dependent any longer,” he added, and Nathan’s eyes softened a bit. “I had to move out sooner or later. I’m…I’m twenty-one. A legal adult still living with my parents.”

“Jake’s still living–”

“He’s got a part time job, dad. He’s got his own car now and…”

I have to leave.

Nathan sighed.

“Your mother won’t be too pleased.”

“Yeah. I know. But…I have to be by myself and be independent.”

“I understand.”

The two men looked away from each other, Samuel gazing out the window until Nathan cleared his throat and started typing. “Dad. What are you–?”

His father didn't look up. “You’re going to be in Japan by June.”

Hours passed.

June. He let himself laugh. It was only April, but there they were, arranging flights and schedules and picking out apartments. Luckily for them, this Touta Matsuda had responded quickly to Samuel’s confirmation email, ready with apartment suggestions and flight details at hand.

It took three days, and it was settled.

Amusingly enough, Touta had emailed him a picture of the apartment keys, ready to be used. Aside from that, the list of instructions was endless.

Jake had arrived immediately upon hearing the news.

“You’re moving so far away,” his older brother commented. “That’s going to be an irritating jet lag you might have to face, Sammy.”

“Worth it.” He smirked, “I’m moving out and living the dream.”

“And what a dream that is.”

On the other hand, his mother had taken the decision with grace.

It was one day that Samuel had arrived back with groceries, and his mother was sitting on the couch, as if waiting for him.

“Mom? I got your groceries,” he set them down, “There wasn’t any no fat milk so I got low-fat instead. Also got Jake his yogurt and those chips dad wanted and – mom?”

He was very confused.

His mother was looking at a family album, and when she looked up, he saw her blue eyes glistening with tears.

“Ah, hell. Mom, don’t,” he stammered, definitely unused to these kinds of situations. He babbled, “It’ll just be a while. You won’t have to deal with my laundry or dinner or whatever shit – it’ll be fine, see?” he managed to take out a pack of milk, “I got your milk…you were like this too when Jake left for college,” he muttered, and she wiped at her eyes before closing the album. “Jake’s here.”

“Sorry, Sammy.” She took a breath and smiled at him, “It’s just not easy. My little boy’s leaving for Japan in less than a month in his father’s footsteps.”

He shut his mouth.

“Sammy, be careful there, will you?”

It was as if a large ball had lodged itself into his throat.

“I…I will. I’ll be careful.”

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