Saturday, November 29, 2014

Post-Retreat Crash: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short

Alpha Belt
Mortal Realm
Venura Residence
November 2014

Miles wasn’t quite sure how she had turned out to be that way.

Aria seemed happy (despite her exhaustion) when she came back on Thursday afternoon; his surprise for her had only made her happier. He could still remember the smile on her face and how she had turned redder upon seeing the flowers in her room – he had filled vases with yellow and pink roses. He hid his pricked hand in his pocket, only smiling and embracing her back when she hugged him tightly.

“I missed you, Aria.”

“Hm. I missed you too,” she had told him upon pulling away. Aria took off and took a yellow rose into her hands, staring down at it with a slight hint of a pleased smile. “Yellow and pink?”

“Red is too overrated,” he insisted. Aria proceeded to tell him all about what had happened during her retreat, all from the bus ride to the unlimited milo they had given out all day and night. The way she had excitedly told him about it made him chuckle a bit.

Finally, she told him that she would be going to school the next day – just for the afternoon – so that she could see her club as well as the others in IV-3. Miles seemed apprehensive at the idea at first, wondering why she wanted to see them so soon – but agreed nonetheless.

Friday had passed quickly – Miles stayed back and watched as Aria celebrated with her club mates and reunited with her other friends from the other sections. Diana Alrada had, surprisingly, ran out and hugged her tightly for a few seconds. Bea Mora, on the other hand, told her endlessly about giving the milk to Sir Marion.

Miles managed a small laugh upon catching sight of a wave of brown hair flicker around the area, soon seeing Aria run inside the classroom. Miles had peeked in, seeing Elle Rivers and Aria embracing each other tightly.

Eventually, Friday ended.

All the happiness that had seemed to radiate from her post-retreat suddenly seemed to vanish the next morning, a frown lighting his lips upon seeing her stare blankly at the ceiling.


Thrice a Day: A FC/UC Relationship Short

Gamma Belt
Mortal Realm
Sector ACR 4-A, Nuevo Filipina
Del Riano Headquarters

Emman didn’t know why Adri was doing it.

The del Rianos weren’t heartless – that was a fact proven by the lone daughter of the family. Emman knew of the girl’s kindness from years back, but expected that same kindness to shatter. Emman expected something else of Adri: a colder woman, someone who wouldn’t spare the female Astra a look.

However, things were different.

Breakfast was at 7AM, lunch at 12 and dinner served at 7PM. Emman was usually served food at those times, and half of the time, she didn’t touch it due to lack of hunger or pure spite. They would always slide the tray into the jail cell, Emman either sleeping or staring down the person who would give it to her.

It had been like that for three days.

On the fourth day, things had changed.

The time was seven in the morning and Emman had just woken up, blinking and adjusting to the pouring of light into the cell. The girl squinted and sat up slowly, running a hand through her tussled hair. Copper eyes glanced at the wall and she read the time, expecting the same person to bring her food to come some time now.

The door opened and she didn’t look, but heard the influx of voices.

“You’re being reckless, Adri.”

“It’s called being human. Try it sometime,” the person snapped, slamming the door. Emman’s brows met at the center and she frowned deeply, suddenly confused. “Emman?”

Emman didn’t look at Adri and the latter said nothing more, taking keys out of her pocket and unlocking the jail door. She went inside and placed the tray on the table, Emman feeling the girl’s silver eyes on her figure. Once more, the door closed and it was locked.

Her footsteps stopped and Emman faced front.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Looming Skies: A FC/UC Graphic

"Sacha Adrienne del Riano is a threat to us all."

Russ' Updates #013: Retreat Week

“Good evening, blog readers – Miles is here again to give you all this week’s RussDate while Russie prepares her things for her Baguio retreat. But I’m not alone – also here this week is the lovely Miss Astra, otherwise known as Eri Astrapi.”

“Hi, Treeboy.”
“Why don’t you give the readers a little update on what’s been going on?”

“Well, Gabriel–”


“–as you said a while ago, our lovely Russie is still preparing her things for her Baguio retreat (which she should have done yesterday). As much as she wants to do this week’s Update, she really can’t because she’s triple checking everything inside her luggage and carry on.”

“It’s like she’s planning to move somewhere, I swear.”

“True. Anyway, as she said last Update, she’ll be gone until Thursday afternoon an d will have Friday off, which is great. Please do – er – hope for an enriching experience. Not just for her, but for her class as well.”

“*nods* Right you are, Astra. Sadly, Russie wasn’t able to post any of the things she planned for this week, and she’s really, really sorry for that. School shit and other things got in the way and she wasn’t exactly able to gather the energy to do the things on her ‘to write’ list.”

“Despite that, though, she promises to really do post all the shit she has to post when she gets back. After all, November will still be going on by the time she comes back.”

“So, expect some posts all about the Unwanted Source by this weekend.”

“And by posts, we mean the posts she originally planned for this week.”

“Anyway, as a small apology from her, we were allowed to give a clue about December’s Upcoming-slash-Featured Character. Astra?”

“Right-o. Here’s your clue.”

‘Red-hot rage burns
When you anger the Rising King
Or threat his Beautiful Darkness.’

 “I wonder who it is–”

“*rolls eyes* Anyway, that’s all for this week’s update.”

“Have a goddamn amazing week ahead, you guys – enjoy it.”

Monday, November 17, 2014

Russ' Updates #012: Halfway Through

Good evening, Darlings!

So this week is officially Midterm Week for me. As much as possible, I want to get really good grades for the third quarter since hey, it means second sem’s halfway over.

Am I excited? Sort of. Terrified? YES.
I know I haven’t been exactly active during the week days, but I promise to at least make up for that this Wednesday. See, I won’t have school this Wednesday – my whole batch, actually. The day was given to us as a study day while the other levels would use our classrooms. *shrugs* So, I hope I’ll be able to put up at least one short by then.

(Fun Fact: I’ll be hanging out with Rothie this Wednesday! >w< I’ll be helping her out in whatever subjects she needs help in. #ElRia)

Aside from this Wednesday, I’ll also try to post something this weekend, focusing more on this month’s Featured Character. As much as possible, I’d like to get in a few posts about her right before I leave for Baguio on the 24th. :D

I’ll also be a bit busy this Saturday, since I’ll be attending the school’s Bandscreening event. Sunday will be dedicated to Retreat prep. ^_^ Additionally, since I’ll be gone by Monday, expect an early RussDate this Sunday.

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Relationship Short – Adri and Emman
[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Background Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic

That’s all for today – have an amazing week! <3 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sleepless: A Relationship Short

Matt and A’s House
Tokyo, Japan
December 2013

Matt had returned from a mission a week prior, smiling a little bit and greeting her as if he hadn’t been away for a number of days. His work clothes were wrinkled and bloodstained; A had cringed upon seeing them and he reassured her that the blood wasn’t of his own. (At least he swore it wasn’t his. The injuries on his skin made her doubt.)

In a few days, things slowly reverted to how they were before he had left for South. His weapons were hidden in the his own weapon storage and was locked up. He hid the key; she had a spare (just in case). The blood had managed to come out of his clothes. His face, pained and slightly guilt-ridden upon coming back, soon reverted back to cheery and teasing.

But the circles under his eyes remained.

In fact, they seemed darker.

A had noticed, of course. Good observational skills came with the job.  The German noticed how Matt would put a little more coffee in than creamer and sugar, how eight to ten hours of sleep became five to six. She frowned upon realizing that he was avoiding his FPS games, which he usually adored, instead opting for something calmer.

A wasn’t the type of person to sugarcoat things and give someone extra treatment. Instead, she moved on casually as if the person hadn’t gone through anything in the first place, save for extreme circumstances. And Matt wasn’t an exception.

So she worked and he stayed back, playing and resting up. During the nights, A would give him a kiss before cuddling into him and sleeping, realizing moments before drifting off that his breathing wasn’t quite as low and deep as it usually was.

A was a relatively light sleeper; on the other hand, Matt could sleep through anything. She could wake up and shift lightly in his arms, and he’d still keep his face buried into the crook of her neck. Being the earlier one to wake, she would usually just wait for him to rise or kiss him out of his sleepy state.

A woke up with a parched throat, slipping out of Matt’s arms and walking out the bedroom towards the kitchen. The digital clock on the side read 4:16AM, and it was definitely too early to function. As the woman staggered out of bed, she didn’t realize that Matt’s grip on the sheets had tightened.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Skin to Skin: A Shoujo Parallels Relationship Short

Alpha Belt
Mortal Realm
November 2014

Aria Venura yelped upon feeling something light brush against her foot. Beside her, Bea Mora lifted a brow curiously. “Anything wrong, Broski?”

“I – no, it’s nothing.” She forced out a laugh, trying not to let the blush on her cheeks be so obvious to the others. Bea merely shrugged and chewed on her pasta, talking at a rapid speed as Diana Alrada and Marie Ramos listened. Aria flushed upon feeling it again, knowing who exactly was doing that and sending her into a flustered state.

Giselle Rivers listened blankly to the conversation, chewing on the sausage bun slowly. She had lifted a brow at Aria’s noises, chuckling quietly to herself as the girl next to her attempted to calm herself down. Casually leaning over, she took advantage of how close Aria was and whispered:  “Did you like that?”

Aria scowled and punched Giselle’s arm immediately upon hearing that, Giselle keeping in her laughs as much as she could. Under the table, however, Aria felt the other’s foot gently play around with hers, heels off and feeling. Her breath hitched as the feeling intensified.

Slowly yet surely, Aria flitted her other foot around and nudged Giselle’s gently. Giselle showed no reaction and Aria wasn’t so surprised – the other didn’t tend to show her reactions that easily.

Despite that, she merely went on. She did her own thing and when the other retaliated, casually leaned her head on the other’s shoulder, making sure to lace her fingers with Giselle’s.

On the other hand, Giselle Rivers was merely keeping calm. The conversation flowed easily and Aria gave her own loud replies, Giselle agreeing and talking every now and then. Despite what it seemed to be above the table, however – underneath, it was getting intense.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Russ' Updates #011: Goodbye CETs

Hello and good evening, Darlings! <3

Here’s some good news before we begin: I’ve officially finished all my CETs! *confetti falls*

look at all that temporary joy
Last Sunday, I was able to finally complete the fourth and last test, which was UA&P’s. So from now until whenever, I’m officially CET-free. Now, all I have to do is wait for the results and see where I’ve been accepted, yes?

With all that over and the third quarter already picking up, I’ve got an announcement to make. From November 24 (Monday) until November 27 (Thursday), I’ll be having my retreat in Baguio. I’ll be come by Thursday evening, but you can probably expect me to be hella exhausted and all that. *laughs*

So in two weeks, from Monday to Thursday, I’ll be on a mini-hiatus. I’ll make up for it on my rest day, which is the 28th (Friday). For today until the 23rd, I’m going to try and do as much Featured Character posts as I possibly can. *thumbs up*

What do I have planned for this week, lovelies?

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Relationship Short – Matt and A
[x] Russie Writes: A Relationship Short – Elle and Aria

[ ] Russie Writes: A Featured Character Short

Expect a lot of OTP feels in the air!

That’s all for tonight, have an amazing week! <3

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Second Visit: A Relationship Short

Keji Bar
Tokyo, Japan
November 2014

It was Squad A’s monthly visit back to the Keji Bar. Macmillan shifted in his seat as Touta drove them there, unable to properly contain his excitement.

For the month’s bet, Touta had lost and was the one who would pay for their drinks later that night. The radio blasted with cheesy Japanese Pop as they drove down the road, Peters texting right next to him while A glanced out the window in the front. Macmillan drummed his fingers on his leg. Peters noticed.

“What’s gotten you worked up?”

“Nothing. Can’t blame me for wanting to get smashed.” At that, A paused and looked back at them. “It’s been a rough week, really. I’m lucky to have gotten out of the house at this time,” the man sighed. Peters nodded sympathetically.

“I feel you. Touta, how far are we?”

“Just five more minutes,” the Japanese answered from the front. A merely watched them quietly, her green eyes studying Mack’s seemingly impatient form. Mack felt a little uncomfortable with her eyes scanning him as they usually did during an interrogation.


“Oh. Sorry,” she apologized, “I’m trying to get a read on you. Did something bad happen?”

“No. It’s – it’s nothing,” he snapped. A narrowed her eyes at him and turned away, muttering something under her breath as she looked out once more. A slightly guilty feeling came over him and he was about to speak when Peters interrupted.

“Let him cool, A. Forensics isn’t good this week.” He saw the lady give a small, jerky nod and Mack closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down.

From the front, Touta merely sighed and drove on.

Friday, November 7, 2014

The New Assignment: An FC/UC Short

Gamma Belt
Mortal Realm
Sector ACR 4-A, Nuevo Filipina
Del Riano Residence

Zachariel Vasilias had a new Assignment.

He felt strangely empty; having come out of the WRC (Watcher Recovery Center) for reasons he couldn’t exactly remember, a new task was thrust into his hands the moment he stepped out. Zachariel couldn’t quite understand it himself. He didn’t exactly know what landed him there in the first place.

It was like one moment, he was on duty – the next, he was there.

And it was too disorienting.

Zachariel looked at the rolled up paper in his hands, remembering the name written in a fine, elegant script. He said it in his head: Sacha Adrienne del Riano.

He looked around him. The Watcher was waiting by the entrance to the house, seated comfortably on a wooden bench situated facing the street, by the gate. And he waited patiently, wondering what kind of Assignment he’d have to face this time.

But wasn’t that his first?

Confusion made him knot his brows. Zachariel tried to remember. It felt like he had spent the majority of his life in the Watcher’s Abode, but at the same time, it felt like dozens – hundreds – of fragments were missing from his memory. He felt like there were gaps. A million of them.

The gate opened.

He looked up, seeing a girl going inside. Long black hair bounced off her back as she moved, the girl carrying a mild orange bag. She looked exhausted.

There was a burn in his hand and he dropped the paper by accident, wincing and clutching the palm of his hand. On the ground, the text of Sacha Adrienne’s name glowed a brilliant orange.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Russ' Updates #010: Back to Reality

Good evening, Darlings!

So, the second semester (finally) started! With that in mind, I realize that I have exactly three weeks until my Baguio retreat and four months to go until I graduate from high school. Which...sounds really terrifying, come to think of it. *shrinks away in a corner*

That's me right now. A prettier version than me. #queen
In summation: really not amused

Thankfully, I don't have homework today - teachers were being merciful - so at least I can manage to breathe and take an extra breather before hell starts *again*.

So, what exactly is going on this week?

Well, I pretty much have to adjust to schoolwork again. I'll be resuming my tutoring sessions this Thursday, and for Friday, I'll be doing some project work with my group mates. This Sunday will also be a little full - I'll (finally) be taking my last set of CETs! *throws confetti*

As I always say because of CETs - please do keep me in your thoughts/prayers/whatever you guys do! As much as I'm really hoping to get into my other picks, this one's my fallback. (If you guys are curious, I'm taking the UA&PCET. UCET. UAPCET. ...whatever they call it huhu)

Expect for me to drop some posts around Saturday and maybe Sunday afternoon!

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Background Short
[x] Russie Writes: A Relationship Short -- Mack and Jian

That's all for today - have a great week, you guys! <3

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Regina: A FC/UC Graphic

"I'm not a little girl. I'm no longer the little girl in this family."

Smile Again: A Matt/A Short

Wammy House
H and Linda’s Room
Winchester, England
October 31, 2004

Linda St. John straightened her wig before looking back at the bed, seeing the lump underneath the covers. “You’ve been there since forever,” the blonde thirteen-year-old whined, “Get up, H. They’re giving out candy per classroom and then there’s going to be an activity later.”

The form didn’t reply and she huffed angrily, stomping towards the green bed and ripping the covers off. The girl underneath protested, Linda dumping the covers on the floor and scowling. “Get your tired butt up, H. Do you want me to drag you out in those pajamas?”

H buried her head under the pillow. “Please don’t.”

“Then move! Goodness,” she sighed. “It’s like I’m the only one who’s legitimately excited for these kinds of things.”

Because you *are* the only one, H thought glumly. The blonde sighed, sitting by her feet.

“You know, A wouldn’t like it if you just moped like this.” She saw H’s body tense up and she put a hand on her back, rubbing it gently. “It’s been months, Heather. Months. I know you’re still upset. I am, too.”

“It’s not about him…”

“Sure it isn’t. But keep this in mind: he doesn’t want you to cry over him. Okay?” when Heather didn’t bother moving, Linda merely sighed and stood up, her witch costume still perfectly pieced. “I did your costume just in case. Just look at my bed. At least come for dinner.”

“…I’ll consider it.”

With those words spoken, Linda sighed yet again and stood up, leaving the room and the door closing with a soft click.