Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Russ' Updates #020: Surreal Seventeen

Hello, my darlings! Guess who turned seventeen today yesterday?

“Yep, this person did. Wish her a happy one.”

So yesterday, I finally turned seventeen – a year closer to legality – and I spent the day in school with my friends. ^_^ A lot of fun stuff happened, really. What’s happening this week?

Sadly, I don’t really have a celebration planned out for my birthday. *facepalms* However, since there won’t be any school starting Thursday until Monday next week, I’ll really be stepping up my game and posting as much as I can – preferably birthday shorts~

I honestly didn’t expect the previous week to be so tiring – I only posted one thing and I really want to make up for it during the long weekend we’ve been granted.

And hey – speaking of the title, ‘Surreal Seventeen’…


Long story short: mom called last January 10 – first thing in the morning – and then gave the good news. It’s overwhelming, really – it feels like one massive dream.R

“*small smile* I – we’re proud of you, Russ.”

Here are the posts to expect this week!

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Birthday Celebration Short [Skylar Viridia]
[x] Russie Writes: A Birthday Celebration Short [Aria Venura/Arzen Venura] 

[ ] Russie Writes: An OTP Short [Matt/A]

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