Monday, January 5, 2015

Russ' Updates #019: Last Three Months

Good evening, Darlings! Hope you’re having a good 2015 so far. ^_^

School officially makes its comeback as of today, and I’m already feeling a tad bit swamped with all the things that we’re supposed to submit. Aside from academic woes, there’s also a bunch of fair preparations that’s going on for the school fair on Friday, and a couple of other things that I’m worrying about (like the ACET results HUHU).

I’ve good some good news and I’ve got some bad news.

"Let's hope that the good outweigh the bad."

Bad News:
  • Back to school week isn’t the greatest thing ever – it’s only Monday so far, but I can practically feel the oncoming storm that is stress. That’s definitely going to decrease the chances of my posting from today until Wednesday.
  •  Friday to Saturday are going to be very busy days for me! I’ll be having fun at the annual school fair until the early evening, and then I’ll be having an overnight with my friends until Saturday. The posting of chances are, again, going to be minimal. :(
But away from that, here are some pieces of good news!
  • I’ll do my best to post on Sunday especially since it’s a day before my ~birthday~
  • From January 15-19 (Thursday – Monday), Pope Francis will be making a visit to the PH. Because of that, it’s been declared as a national holiday (?) and school won’t be a thing. :D So from the 15th to the 19th, I’ll do my best to work on things I have yet to post~
Please do keep me in your thoughts/prayers once again! I’m really hoping that the results for the ACET would be the results I wanted. ;w;

Three months of academics and non-academics to go until I finally graduate!

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: Request #02
[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Background Short

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