Sunday, January 11, 2015

Recovery: A FC/UC Background Short

Élan Region
Viridia Faction
xxxx, H.E.

“Is she doing alright?”

“She’s conscious. She can respond, at least. But that doesn’t mean that she’s willing to respond to external stimuli. Skylar can hear, can see – all her senses are intact,” the physician said slowly, wiping the lenses of his glasses. “But it’s like her other aspects went into a temporary shutdown. If her body recuperated enough to bring her back to consciousness…then let’s say that her mind and her emotional wellbeing still need time.”

Dr. Sulu, a close associate of the Viridias, had made his weekly visit to the faction. It had been his fourth visit, and he tended to have high hopes that the lone daughter would at least fare better each time he came to check on her.

The first visit was bad. Skylar had been brought to the hospital, massively injured and unconscious. The story was recounted to him a dozen or so times.

The Viridias didn’t know why or how, but she had somehow managed to get herself attacked by one of the few Void – the Vitium – which had existed within the proximity. A scream and a large blast of lightning had caught their attention, and by the time they were there, their daughter was knocked out and a few other Vitium had come to apparently feast on her Quintessence.

It took her two weeks to fully recover – at least, to wake up from the coma induced on her. By the third week, Skylar was struggling to wake. However, each time she did, data told them that her body wasn’t ready and shot her down with more medicines to keep her down under. At the same time, a copious amount of Quintessence was slowly flowing back into her system.

A few days before his fourth visit, she had been officially discharged but was ordered bed rest for an undetermined amount of time.

“How old is Skylar?”

Harlene Viridia glanced at her younger sister’s form. “Skye is fifteen.”

Dr. Sulu gave a small nod. “Fifteen. So in two, three years she’ll be eligible for the academy.”

“That’s what mom and dad have been saying,” Harlene replied. “They’ve been training her since she was thirteen, wanting her to get into the school like how I did. But judging by her state now, I’m not so sure if she’s still willing…” Harlene moved forward and sat by her sister’s bed, gently brushing some hair away from Skylar’s face. “I’ve spent two years in that place and it doesn’t get any easier. What Skye experienced isn’t uncommon over there.”

“Let her keep training.”


“Let Skylar keep training,” Dr. Sulu repeated. He picked up his materials, “I have a small feeling that when she fully operates once more, she’ll be fighting to get back to her lessons. So let her.”

* * * * *

Fully waking up was horrible.

Harlene had to explain to Althea Goldenrod that she couldn’t see Skylar – not while the girl was in that particular state.

“Why not?” Althea demanded. Her black hair was thrown into a messy bun, clothes slightly wrinkled. She had just woken up and received word that Skylar had awoke. “Why can’t I see her yet, Harlene?”
“Skye didn’t take too well to her surroundings, alright?” both of them cringed when another scream came, “Waking up back in her room isn’t exactly great.”

“So why–”

“When she was attacked, they backed her into a corner and surrounded,” Harlene interjected, her voice sharp. “No space to see anything. Black everywhere.” There was stillness, and Harlene gave a defeated sigh, running her fingers through her hair. “Skye’s room isn’t exactly the most spacious in the complex.”

It all clicked in Althea’s head.

“…phobia,” she managed. “Claustrophobia.”

Another scream was heard. Harlene looked back at the front door without confirming or denying Althea’s guess. “Stay in the Main Room and wait there.”

* * * * *

Skylar had to be transferred to another room.

Her bedroom was too small for her mind to accommodate, so they moved her to one of the guest rooms, which was bigger in size and smaller in amount of furniture. Dr. Sulu had explained that less objects made the room look fuller, and that hopefully, Skylar would be able to adjust easily.

For the moment, she was sleeping. Reacting wildly had drained her quickly than they had expected, and the wavy-haired girl lay in bed, sleeping still with the tubes and such connected to her. Quintessence flowed into her system slowly; that alone was enough to help her recover, at least physically.

“Is the sleeping?”

“Yeah.” Harlene led Althea inside, “Skye exhausted herself with the screaming and struggling. We were able to get her to settle, but…” she didn’t continue. Althea bit her lip and set a bouquet of flowers by the girl’s bed, bringing some color into the palely-hued space. “Don’t panic if she wakes up or overwhelm her. She isn’t really saying too much. She’ll see you and remember that you came, but…no talking. You can converse with her, though.” Harlene rubbed her eyes, “Hopefully, you’ll get her to talk.”

Althea nodded and sat down on a chair next to the bed. Harlene watched them for a moment and then left, the door clicking as it closed. Althea shifted lightly and took out her phone, scrolling to the latest message.

Marguerite Russet: How is she?

Althea Goldenrod: She’s…okay. Exhausted herself.

Marguerite Russet: What?

Althea felt the other’s irritation and concern in the message.

            Althea Goldenrod: Skye didn’t react too well when she woke up. Ended up screaming and struggling enough to knock her out again.

Marguerite took minutes to reply.

            Marguerite Russet: I should go back.

Althea Goldenrod: Are you crazy?

            Marguerite Russet: Skye needs me.

Althea Goldenrod: You have to stay there, Mar.

Althea Goldenrod: Skye will just react and force you not to go back there.

Althea Goldenrod: Marguerite?

There was no more reply from the girl. Althea huffed and slid her phone back into her pocket, folding her arms over her chest.

“Mar’s too stubborn for her own good,” she grumbled. “God knows what would happen if Skye caught sight of her in this state–”


Althea’s breath caught. Her head turned to look at the bed and she saw Skye there, her eyes closed. But her lips looked as if they had moved, forming a four-letter name on her lips.

“Skye?” Althea said slowly, cautiously. “Are you awake?”

No reply came. The girl exhaled and glanced away, feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket once more. The yellow-eyed lady took it out.

            Marguerite Russet: I have to take care of her.

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