Friday, January 16, 2015

6,205 Days of Living: A Birthday Short

Alpha Belt
Mortal Belt
Venura Residence
January 12, 2015

“Do you feel old?”

“I do, now that you reminded me,” Aria complained. Miles laughed and dodged a comb thrown at him. Aria huffed and turned back to the mirror, brushing her hair. “Seventeen…I’m a year closer to being legal. It’s so weird.”

“You’re closer to being arrested,” he offered. She made a face. “And a year closer to celebrating your debut and dancing with those eighteen roses or whatever.”

“Gross.” Aria shook her head and slid on her headband, “I don’t even know eighteen guys.”

“Your dad, two brothers and your uncle.”

“That’s four.”

“And me.”

The short-haired girl laughed and turned to Miles, a small grin on her face. “You’d really show up in front of everyone and be my eighteenth rose?”

“Why the hell not?” Miles jumped forward and took her hands, pretending to dance with her in the middle of the bedroom. “I can dance. I’m a fairly decent dancer.”

“My Watcher is my eighteenth rose. Seems nice,” Aria admitted. Miles let go of her hands and watched as she went back to spray on her cologne, smiling slightly to himself. “But really…I’m not sure if I even want a debut, you know. It’s like a lot of hassle.”

“You won’t plan it.”

“I’ll invite people.” Aria shuddered, “God. My extroverted-introverted side is rejoicing and cowering at the thought of a lot of people seeing me in a dress and make up and all. Even though it does seem nice.”

The Forest Original chuckled. “Take your time. You’re only seventeen.” He looked at her through the mirror, his eyes meeting hers, “Enjoy this day first.”

* * * * *

“Happy birthday, dude!” Kaye Tunes greeted, launching into Aria Venura’s arms. Aria laughed and hugged her back, Anna Angeles smiling as she deposited her things into the classroom. “I actually thought our birthday was tomorrow,” she exclaimed in extreme sarcasm.

“Really? I thought it was yesterday,” Aria retorted back. Kaye smirked and swung an arm around the taller girl’s shoulders, Anna returning. “How’d your parents take it, Angeles?”

“They were fine,” she shrugged. Anna wiped her glasses on her white blouse. “I’m already preparing the appeal letter.”

“ACET?” Kaye asked curiously. The other two nodded. The ACET results had been released only two days ago. “That’s chill, bro. You’ll get in. You can’t leave Venura alone over there and not know how to commute,” she snarked. Aria turned red and Anna laughed loudly.

“Shut up. I’ll learn in college.”

While the threesome bickered and laughed with each other about the weekend’s events, Bea Mora swung and embraced Aria tightly, then Kaye, greeting both a happy birthday. Marie Ramos did the same, greeting them in a deadpan tone that resembled Bea’s bae crush. They laughed about that for a few minutes and returned to the conversation, Aria feeling a trace of lightness linger in the air.
Things are going well so far, she thought. I wonder, though, where is –

Something firm hit the back of her legs. Aria yelped loudly and Kaye started at the doer of the action, eyes narrowing. “What the–”

Giselle Rivers eyed Aria Venura innocently, half-smiling and pushing the large box into her hands before going into the IV-3 classroom. Anna and Kaye eyed Aria as the girl stared at the box, feeling excitement suddenly bubble up. “That looks big,” Anna remarked, and Aria quickly sat down on the floor, opening the box in excitement. Giselle came out of the classroom soon after.

“Have you seen what’s inside yet?” she asked her. Kaye and Anna had gone back to talking and laughing, Jana Ayade joining the twosome. Giselle had taken her place next to Aria. Aria noticed that she was wearing the honey jade necklace and smiled a bit before reverting her attention back to the box.

“I was going to open it,” she defended. Giselle said nothing and Aria opened the box, eyes widening at the contents. “This is–”

“I didn’t spend any money,” Giselle interrupted, watching as Aria took out the stuffed polar bear wearing a silver crown and aqua dress. “That…was my first Build-A-Bear. I don’t have the certificate. You can give her a new identity and stuff,” she explained. Aria remained speechless. The bear stared back at her, blue eyes meeting hers and soft fur against her skin. Giselle reached out to touch the stuffed toy, “I’m giving her to you, now. Your first Build-A-Bear.”

“You shouldn’t have–”

“Don’t say that. Now look at the other one,” Giselle cut in. Aria pouted at her yet followed anyway, spotting yet another box – smaller and flatter – inside the polar bear’s ‘home’. Aria tilted her head and took it into her hands, removing the lid of the indigo box.


As Aria read the content of the first page, Giselle cleared her throats. “I wasn’t able to finish all of them…so I’ll continue it for the rest of the school year.” She watched Aria as the girl flipped through the pages next, noticing that the smile on her face grew bigger and bigger. “…do you like the gifts?”

“I love them,” she answered genuinely. Aria’s excited eyes met Giselle’s, and the Storm Original felt herself be crushed by the smaller girl’s arms, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Giselle merely smiled and hugged her back, taking the polar bear once they pulled away.

“You forgot something.”


Giselle unhooked something from the snow white bear’s neck. Aria gaped. The sight of a silver necklace greeted her, the insignia of the pendant eerily familiar. “Recognize it?”

The Lightning Original managed a stiff nod. Of course she recognized it. The three heads of the dragon was already an obvious characteristic. “The Targaryen insignia–” Giselle smiled proudly and handed the necklace, Aria feeling the cold metal in her hands. “How did you get this?”

“Online shopping,” she responded simply. Aria removed her other necklace and slid it onto the bear, soon putting on the Targaryen necklace. The cold radiated nicely. “Again: do you like it?”

“Don’t be stupid,” Aria whined. She gave Giselle yet another tight embrace and stood up much after, holding the polar bear tightly in her arms. “Of course I like them, idiot…”

“I’m glad.” Their gazes met quickly and Aria made the polar bear touch Giselle’s nose, the latter rolling her eyes with a small smile. “I really hope they made you happy.”

They did, Aria thought, and so did you.

* * * * *

That night, Aria sat on her bed and hugged the stuffed toy. She decided that the dress was better for display purposes and set it aside for the moment, cuddling the two stuffed toys she had close to her chest. Patria and the polar bear were crushed to her chest, and it felt good to have more than one stuffed toy accompany her – as weird as it seemed to be.

“You look like you’re enjoying your 6205th night,” Miles noted. Aria looked up. Miles was standing, smiling amusedly at the sight of her with her stuffed animals.

“I am,” she admitted. “It was actually really nice.”

“Any surprises?”

“Yes and no,” she admitted. Miles blinked. “There was no grand surprise. No hidden cake or balloons or anything. Which…I might have expected, really.” He saw her eyes sadden for a moment, but the look vanished quickly. “Elle gave me this, though. She gave me a stuffed bear, the Targaryen necklace and her own personal gift…” her eyes fell on the box and she smiled this time, Miles noting the look on her face.

Even he had to smile at her happiness. “But was it enjoyable?”

“It was. It really was.” She answered. “It’s one of the first birthdays I’ve actually enjoyed…” she held the toys a little closer, “And I’m sure that it’s a sign that this year is going to be fantastic.”

He had missed her optimism.

“Good.” Miles looked at Aria and saw her glow, feeling the euphoria trickle from her skin. “You deserve happiness.”

His last words ended in a whisper as his Assignment slowly drifted, ending her 6205th day. 

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