Monday, March 2, 2015

Russ' Updates #027: Final Finals

Hello, Darlings! Guess who's officially done with Calculus for the rest of forever?

"March already? You're graduating in 19 days-"

Shh please don't remind me, Sanchez. :< 

Anyway, it's already March! As Sanchez said, I've got nineteen days left until I graduate and two more days until I finish my final set of exams ever for high school. *laughs* I haven't exactly been able to post that much, really, and I promise that I'll make up this coming Wednesday. Somehow.

Anyway, you may or may have noticed two small changes in the blog layout, yes? 

  1. There is no Featured Character this month. Yup - if you check out the side bar, you won't be able to find the usual poster for the month's Featured Character. Initially, this month was supposed to be for Ethon; however, due to certain activities, Ethon will be making his special debut this summer. *smiles* Ethon's absence brings us to the second point -
  2. A new CC awaits! Yes, lovelies, there is going to be a new CC (Challenge-Celebration) from March 23 until April 23. I won't be giving up too much details for the moment, as I'll make a post about that in a few weeks, but you can already figure out its' name from the graphic.

"The Graduation Celebration!"

For this week, I'll be finishing exams from today until Wednesday - and from then, my academic days are definitely over. *throws confetti* The rest of March will be spent for graduation practice, and then, Darlings, summer's coming! <3 

Please wish me luck as I continue on forth with my exams. Last push, yes? #Gapang2Grad

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