Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cadenza: A Royal Flush Short

The Kingdom of Raleigh

“I never knew you could play,” a voice came. Startled, Astrid jumped in her seat and turned, spotting King Nicholas standing by the door of the ballroom. He was about to step in, but he stopped himself, looking a little hesitant. “May I?”

“I – of course you may, Your Majesty, I’m sorry,” Astrid flustred. “For coming without prior permission. I spotted the piano and couldn’t help myself, I’ll leave if you want me to,” the brunette spluttered, rising quickly that the piano sheets flew off and onto the floor. Astrid’s eyes widened and she immediately went down to pick them up, cursing to herself quietly.

Nicholas kept his movements silent as he approached her, leaning down to help her as well. He saw her fingers shaking and sighed to himself, both of them standing up eventually. Astrid’s fingers were (still) shaking as she held the papers in her hands. Nicholas handed her the rest.

“There’s no need to be nervous,” he said carefully.

“Who said I was nervous–”

Nicholas took her hand. Astrid blinked, the other hand clutching the music sheets tightly. “When I was younger,” he said casually, his finger lightly poking her trembling ones, I had the same habit.”

What habit, Astrid’s thoughts raced, holding peoples’ hands randomly? Instead, she asked, “What habit?”

“Having shaky hands when I’m nervous. Or being a shaky person in general,” he explained. “Frederick made fun of me for it until I grew older and stopped the habit. I assume it comes with interacting with others more,” he explained, soon letting go of her hand. Astrid found herself nodding slowly, letting her hand fall limply to her side.

“I see.”

“Are your other friends like that?”

Astrid shook her head. “Just me. Robelle’s the most confident out of the four of us, Cassidy can interact just fine….Karina and I aren’t really into interacting with others, but she does a better job than I do,” she finished sheepishly, turning to put back the music sheets.

Nicholas watched her. Astrid’s eyes lingered a second too long on the piano. Cleaing his throat, he said (awkwardly), “Do you want to play?” Astrid’s form froze and he hurried on, “Since you really do seem to like playing. In truth, only a select few in the Kingdom know how to…navigate through the piano.”

“I shouldn’t–”

“Please,” Nicholas urged. “Do as you wish. Anyone who stays here should feel comfortable. If they wished to do what they wanted, I wouldn’t stop them. Besides…” he added, pausing for a split second, “…it’s been a while since I’ve heard someone play with grace and skill.”

Astrid shook her head, yet didn’t look away from the sleek red piano. “You give me too much credit, Your Majesty.”

“Just Nicholas.” She blinked.


“Just call me Nicholas,” he repeated, tone gentler. “None of those formal titles. We’re not King and Guest talking to one another.”

“…we’re not?”

“No.” with that, she looked at him again. Nicholas had a small (although warm) smile on his face. “We speak as friends.”

Astrid nodded and slowly sat back down on the piano bench, shuffling through the music sheets. Nicholas sat on a nearby chair, merely watching her as she reviewed through one of them, Astrid’s eyes moving quickly across the paper.

After a few minutes, he heard her take a deep breath.

Her fingers pressed hesitantly on the keys, and then she started to play.

* * * * *

Nicholas recalled meeting Astrid and the rest of the girls.

“I don’t get what the suddeness is about,” complained Frederick as they climbed the Gorlassar castle stairs, “To watch Arthur and Jacques argue it out again? Arthur knows we’re busy with other matters,” he grumbled. Nicholas merely shrugged; he spotted Alexander Nevada by the doors and the latter gave a cheerful wave.

“Hi, thanks for responding to Arthur’s message so quickly.” Turning on a heel, the blonde man led them inside the blue castle. “Arthur never usually calls all of you over to his place. The weather is enough of a reason,” he explained.

It was true – Arthur James preferred to venture to the other Kingdoms purely because of the (stable) weather conditions present. That was something the other Kings knew well.

“So what’s the big deal?” Frederick pressed. They walked through the halls, Alexander making a face at the sudden crack of thunder from outside. Nicholas cringed at the sound. “What does he want?”

“…I think it’s better if you see for yourselves,” the Knight replied after a moment’s worth of thinking. They stopped in front of a pair of tall, silver doors and Nicholas caught an amused smirk cross Alexander’s face. “Come on in. The Kings and Knights of Xanthos and Khloris are already in there.”

 Glancing at each other, the two brothers shrugged and entered the room.

The sound of talk filled their ears; particuarly Alberto’s laughing. Arthur James spotted them and nodded, coming closer. “Nicholas and Frederick – thank you very much for coming.” Frederick’s mind blanked and he glanced around the room, eyes suddenly going wide as he spotted –

“It’s my pleasure, Arthur. What seems to be the problem?”

Arthur gave a small laugh. “I wouldn’t call it a problem, but–” the sound of someone racing across the room interrupted the conversation; the two Kings stopped to look in Frederick’s direction, where he was on a knee and holding the hand of a visibly flustered lady.

“I’m honored to make your acquaintance, miss.” Frederick charmed. His ruby eyes gave a twinkle. “What should I call you?”

“I – I,” the lady stuttered, but another moved forward and roughly yanked her hand away, eyes burning as she stared down at Nicholas’ Knight.

“You won’t be calling her anything, thanks,” the girl snapped. Frederick looked flattened. The first girl glanced away, cheeks mildly pink. Arthur sighed, turning back to Nicholas.

“I called you because of them.”

* * * * *

She as nearly as good as Roderick Stein, who was known for being the Kingdom’s most skilled in terms of the arts and specialized in the piano. Merely letting himelf watch, he was able to pinpoint a number of similarities and differences between the two.

When Roderick played, he seemed closed off to his audience – immaculate – someone that couldn’t be touched, just observed.

Astrid, on the other hand, seemed warmer. It was like anyone could come closer and listen without breaking her concentration.

As the music filled the air, he allowed himself to sink back into the chair and relax. For once, Nicholas felt the anxieties slowly slipping away as Astrid worked her magic through the music she played .

Astid Young merely continued playing the red piano. A quick glance to her left gave her the sight of Nicholas looking less worn and more at peace; with that, she let her fingers carry onto a new tune. She played something slower, something more peaceful and lighter to the ear.

By the time she played the last note, she was surprised to see Nicholas nearly dozing off on the garnet-colored seat. His eyes were closed and his head was moving back and forth as if put into a trance.

She studied him for a moment, glanced back at the papers, and positioned her fingers back on the keys.

Instead of leaving him be, Astrid started a new piece. 

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