Monday, March 16, 2015

Russ' Updates #029: End of a Chapter

Hello, Darlings - five days left until I graduate, and one week left until the Graduation Celebration! <3 Goodness, I am super hella excited (and nostalgic) about this week. It's crazy.

"You're going to leave the green gates soon, Russ."
So here's what's gonna happen this week (school-wise): today, I had my Commissioning Ceremony. From Tuesday until Friday, I'll be practicing for Graduation. On Saturday, I'll finally graduate from what has been my second home for the past fourteen years. :) 

It's definitely a lot to think of. I'm hella sure that I'll post a Russie Babbles regarding graduation and what the hell I've gone through throughout my stay in school. I'm pretty much dedicating this week to TGC preparations, graduation preparations, and basically slowly accepting that I'll be an Old Girl once I graduate this Saturday. 

Moving on from senti!Russie (haha), you can pretty much expect some posts here and there. I'm trying to rile myself up for TGC in all honesty - I've done preliminary preparations. If anything, I hope that TGC will be the second successful Challenge this 2015~

"You better not cram it this time. You better not."
*laughs nervously*

Wish me luck as I finally complete the last leg of my high school journey! I'll see you guys very soon. <3

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