Monday, March 23, 2015

Launching: The Graduation Celebration

Hello there, Darlings!

Yes – the day is finally here! *eagerly throws confetti* The date is March 23, 2015 and I am hella pleased to announce that the Graduation Celeration is officially open and ready to begin.

Now, you may be wondering – what exactly is the Graduation Celebration (or TGC), and what is its purpose?

"Does it even have a purpose-"

I was able to think of the concept last December while considering different chalenges to undergo for 2015. My mind went to graduation, then to high school, finally leading me to the four main projects I’ve tackled for the past number of years. Note that I chose not to include the Death Note AU as well as Shoujo Parallels (now Beta Originals) due to the fact that I’ve been working on them all throughout my high school life, plus the fact that they’re already heavily featured on here.

TGC aims to introduce you guys to the projects which have been steaming in my head since I was a Freshman. While I have officially discontinued one of them (Hysteria), I revamped two (Eternal Flame and Royal Flush) while conceptualizing  a new one (Equilibriai).

I’m also hoping that it helps me get the motivation I need to continue/restart these certain projects.  ^_^

For TGC, I divided the time into five main sections:

  • Week I – March 23 until March 29 – Eternal Flame
  • Week II – March 30 until April 5 – the Royal Flush
  • Week III – April 6 until April 12 – Hysteria
  • Week IV – April 13 until April 19 – Equilibriai
  • Week V – April 20 until April 23 – Bonus

What exactly is the ‘Bonus’? Stick until Week V and you’ll see~

For each week, I’ll be posting a minimum of four shorts, three graphics and one Babbles. So, each week (except for Week V) will have at least eight posts. :3 Hopefully, I won’t fall behind or else the schedule will really mess up by then. D:

I hope you all join me as I begin the second challenge of 2015! ^_^

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