Friday, July 31, 2015

Teaser #03: TGSC '15

red for passion and leadership
violet for mystery and independence
blue for stability and freedom
yellow for joy and enlightenment

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Attention: A FC/UC Short

Creation Era
xxxx, X.X.

Calor was more like his mother than his father.

Throughout their entire childhood, it was always Lumen who was there for them. She would be the one to dazzle them brilliantly while Noctis would watch silently; she would always be the one who would entertain the four of them and make them laugh. She was everything Calor loved - Lumen was bright, lively, and inspired them to keep pushing on. She was as bright as the sun and he found himself observing how Noctis would watch her with a fondness in his eyes when she was shining. 

As the fire amongst the four, Calor aimed to do his best to shine as well. 

It wasn’t as if he was attention deprived; not at all, actually. While Noctis tended to favor Unda and Ammon, Lumen fretted over he and Amina more times than she could count. When he noticed, he found himself confused. However, as time went on, the was able to detect why Noctis and Lumen had their own ‘preferences’, as horrible as it sounded to him until that day. 

Unda and Ammon were the quieter of the four; Ammon liked to observe and Unda liked to do her own thing. Ammon, being the oldest, made sure to keep his siblings in line. Unda, being the elder Twin, made sure that Calor wasn’t getting into anything horrible or impulsive (which happened most of the time). Ammon was more observation and internal thought; Unda was more speculation and internal feeling. Somehow, this helped them bond even more with their father. Calor would occasionally see Ammon talking privately with Noctis, or Noctis regarding Unda as his precious daughter.

On another hand, Lumen had no problem babying the younger girl and boy. She was fiercely protective of Amina, as she was the youngest, while she had a fond spot for Calor since his abilities were closest to hers. There was a difference, of course, between light and fire - but somehow, they were able to overcome that particular difference and bonded even more. Amina frequently came to her mother more for guidance while Calor found himself gravitating towards her. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Russ' Updates #043: Prelude to August

Hi, Darlings! How are you all doing? 

"You owe me something, Russie."
...I know, Calor. Huhu. I promise I'll post your last short this week. :( 

Anyway, I hope you guys have been well! As of today, there are six days left until August, meaning six more days until the Third Blogsary Celebration! ...come to think of it, holy crap that is fast. It's like, five more days until August 1 and roughly fifteen days until my first day of classes. 

I'm afraid, guys. Help.

Please do keep me in your thoughts and/or prayers for today! I'll be enlisting for my first semester Natural Sciences and Physical Education classes, and I'm really hoping that I'll be able to get a slot in the subjects I like. For Physical Education, I'm praying I'll either get into Ballroom Dancing or Taichi; for my NatSci, I just want to get into something that doesn't involve having to care for a plant. 

ALSO: I'm going to be a little busy from July 29 - August 1! ADMU's Freshmen Orientation Seminar will be on the first two days, and then the SOH (School of Humanities) Fest will be on August 1. Agin, I'm excited and honestly terrified. Please hope that I don't end up making a fool of of myself. ;_;

This past week has been...really, really big for me. I can't exactly tell why as of now, but it's something I chose to push through with after days of contemplating. :) I'll talk about it more in the months to come!

Transcendence's Aesthetics have come to an end! I actually have no idea which project to Aesthetic-size for now, so that series might be taking a break for this week. *nods* 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[ ] Russie Writes: An OTP Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: TGSC Teaser #03
[x] Russie Launches: TGSC '15

That's all for this week's Russ Date! Hope you guys are just as excited for August as I am~

"Have an amazing week, everybody."

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Russie Reviews: A Little Something Different [Sandy Hall]

'Everyone wants them to get together.

Lea and Gabe attend the same creative writing class. From the moment Gabe catches on to Lea's Buffy reference, people start to believe that these two seem to be made for each other. 

However, Gabe is shy and Lea can be aloof. Initially, it seems like things are never going to work out for them. But the Starbucks baristas, the delivery guy, the teacher, and even a squirrel and a park bench find themselves invested in their 'love story' and believe that somehow, these two might realize that they're made for each other.'

Good afternoon, Darlings! Today, I'll be reviewing Sandy Hall's A Little Something Different. I've been wanting to read this for a long time and am excited to share with you my thoughts on this novel. :)

As usual, the Read More link is right there for you to click if you wish to continue! Be wary of potential spoilers that may come your way.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Russ' Updates #042: Countdown

Good morning, Darlings!

Before anything else, I would like to wish my beautiful Rothie a happy third blogsary! Go ahead and check out her blogsary event, which is in full swing over here. <3

"Have an amazing day, Elle - and please feel better soon."
The TGSC countdown has officially started! As of today, it's twelve more days until we reach August, meaning twelve more days until we finally get to blogsary month! Additionally, we also have twelve more days until Calor ends his guest starring on the blog.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Russie."
One more Transcendence Aesthetic this week! I haven't quite decided who to feature yet, so keep an eye out for that. As it is Calor's final twelve days, I'll try to post a few more works for him so that he doesn't feel left out. :>

That's it for this week! Apologies for the short RussDate, I spent the day fixing my things and making Rothie's blogsary gifts, so I'm a little spent. I hope she likes them ^_^

By the way, thank you all so much for 17K! Y'all are crazy, holy shit.
I promise to give it my all this coming third blogsary. <3

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Reviews: A Little Something Different
[x] Russie Photoshops: Universe Aesthetics -- Transcendence
[x] Russie Photoshops: TGSC Teaser #02

Friday, July 17, 2015

Doubt: An OTP Short

Matt and A’s Home
Tokyo, Japan
July 2015

“You keep exhausting yourself over work.”

“I can’t help it.” Green eyes gazed tiredly at the screen of the laptop, “At this point, it’s practically part of the job description to obsess over work and take it home.” Matt gave a quiet sigh and squeezed her shoulder; A bit her lip. “Sorry…I know you wanted to go out today and watch a movie, but the report can’t wait and Touta needs it by tomorrow so he can present on Monday,” she rambled.

Matt pressed a kiss against the woman’s temple. “Don’t worry about it. We can always move our date to next week.”

“Not tomorrow?”

“You’re going to be tired tomorrow,” he said gently. “It’s already eleven, A. Knowing you, you’re going to end up waking up early because of work stress.” She looked away and Matt then proceeded to ruffle her hair. “Don’t stress on it too much, alright? Get that done and come to bed. Can’t afford to have my girl miss out on some cuddling.” That made her smile a bit and she nodded, going back to her typing quickly. Matt watched for a few more seconds before leaving, kicking off his shoes and taking his place on the left side of the bed.

Taking out his phone, Matt watched her occasionally while texting. Kenichi updated him on the week’s plans (another goddamn meeting with Sakahibara, when were they going to give up?) and what they had to accomplish. Kenichi eventually ended the conversation, asking for him to send his greetings to his girlfriend.

A little past midnight, he heard her shut down the laptop and close it with a tired sigh. His ears perked, “Are you finished?”

“Finished and exhausted.” A mumbled. The ginger watched as she got up, soon walking to the bed with a defeated expression on her face. “I’m tired.”

“Do you want to sleep early tonight?” he offered. “We can skip out. I’m fine with that.”

“Do you mind?”

“Not at all. What’s wrong?” A stayed quiet and climbed into the bed, “Did something happen at HQ? Something go wrong?”

“It’s just an energy crash.” She slid under the covers and pulled them over her head, Matt watching with a semi-worried expression. “Another…another crash. I’ll be alright.”

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Lacking: A FC/UC Short

Ventus’ Fall
xxxx, X.X.

I don’t understand why this had to happen.

I don’t understand why any of this had to happen.

First it was them – mother and father – do you remember what happened to me when Vito told us that they had to leave? Do you remember what we had to go through when they had to leave? Months. Many of months keeping to myself and not being able to go out and see the light.

You and the other two brought me back.

And now you’re going to do the same thing our parents did.

“Damn it!”

Something shattered upon hitting contact with the wall yet Calor didn’t pay it any attention. There had to be something or some way he could release his anger and frustration without having to put others in harm, but he couldn’t find it just yet. So his hands wandered; he ended up having to throw objects in a fit of rage while his thoughts stewed and built up.

The god’s ruby eyes opened and he groaned internally at the mess he had caused. There was shattered glass, a broken piece of furniture, mildly singed items…

Calor nearly ended up destroying everything that was in the room.

For a brief moment, he thanked everything that his sisters were too busy tending to Ventus to even care about the sounds that came from where he was.

He was infuriated and betrayed.

Calor had always looked up to Ventus as they grow; Ventus had been the golden child Calor had aspired to be. He was calm, mature, rational – he knew how to put the siblings in place and knew how to calm each of them down.

When Vito had told them that they were to take control of the universe, it was Ventus who had assured them that everything would be okay. It was Ventus who got them together, calmed Amina’s panic, and assured them that they would be able to handle such a thing.

He was their guide.

And now, their guide was non-existent.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Russ' Updates #041: Teasers

Hello, Darlings!

"Hope everyone's doing well."
A bit of story time: my friends came over this weekend and holy shit I don't think we were able to get that much sleep in. Considering that we played more than two rounds of Cards Against Humanity and devoured nearly three boxes of pizza, I can safely say that this weekend was a ray of sunshine despite the heavy rains and all that.

Speaking of heavy rains - to any of my Filipino readers, I hope you guys are safe! :( Rains suspended most classes last week and the floods haven't been the best. Typhoon's gone for now, so I hope you guys are hella safe and hella dry. *peace sign*

Last week was okay - the Aesthetic series continued, there was a gifset posted, a short prompted by Rothie (and the freaking rains) - and there was something else, right? :>

July 10 marked the first TGSC Teaser; it's linked so you guys can go check it out. :D Judging by the graphic, it's pretty obvious who my main stars for this August will be. As for the name of the celebration, use the white text as your main clue! Once you link that to the white text, I think you'll get the name quite easily~

"Aha - I see what you did there."

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Writes: An OTP Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics - Kyle Geronimo

Friday, July 10, 2015

Teaser: TGSC '15

"Back to where it all began."

Stranded: A Squad Alpha Short

Matt and A’s Home
Tokyo, Japan
July 2015

“Coming out was a terrible idea.”

“Aren’t you comfortable in your own sexuality?”

“Fucking sod off,” Mack groaned. “I didn’t mean it like that. By that, I mean deciding to drive all the way to A’s was a terrible idea. Because look – none of us can go out because of the shite weather.” At that, the twosome’s eyes glanced at the windows. The outside was drenched – the rains suddenly decided to crash hard, and even from the inside they could hear the intense fall of rain. Peters, who was merely messing with the available game console, shrugged.

“Doesn’t really matter to me. It’s not like A’s place is some kind of abandoned warehouse or something, we’ll survive here.” At that, Mack sighed and glanced at his phone. There was still no response from Jian, who chose to overtime at the Keiji on that night.

“If you say so.”

In the kitchen was A and Touta, A talking quietly on her phone while Touta prepared hot drinks for the four of them. He listened her speak to Matt and set the four mugs on a tray, waiting for her to finish before moving back into the living room. “Stay safe, love,” she murmured. “I think it’s best if you stay with Kenichi over there first.”

“I know. What a pain in the ass. Is your squad there?”

“Mhm. They came over since it’s holiday and they didn’t really have anything much to do, but the rains decided to bitch on us,” she explained.

“Ahh. That’s alright – we’ve got enough blankets in case they need to stay the night.” This made her smile and they talked for a minute more until A got off the phone, tucking the mobile device into her pocket. Touta gave a smile.

“Matt stranded, too?”

“Apparently so…he’s got Kenichi as company, though, and they’re still at the office. Kenichi isn’t sure if the rain’s going to let out.” She took her mint green mug and took a sip, the warm coffee making her feel a tinge better. “Thanks, T – you still know how I take my coffee.”

Monday, July 6, 2015

Russ' Updates #040: Coming Closer

Good morning, Darlings! I hope your July's going nicely. 

"Do I look good?"
July is already here, and holy hell - that means classes are coming closer and closer. I'm not sure if I want that yet because it would mean college and at the same time, having summer to end. And knowing me, I don't think I want summer to end yet even though I practically do nothing at home, haha. Anyway, Ethon's month is still going on and I've already posted two thingies for him. 

Expect more Ethon to come until July 31! Not to be biased, but I quite like Ethon a lot...he was supposed to be the Featured Character last April, but due to the Graduation Celebration, I had to bump him to July. Nevertheless, I'm excited to show you guys what this guy's all about. :3 

Aesthetics are still ongoing! This week, expect to see one of Elena's co-workers. 

Originally, I was supposed to start a blogsary countdown last July 1. However, since I wasn't able to make the graphics on time, I'll be start post them as a sidebar image this coming July 18. 

"Any teasers?"
Sorry, Ethon, not yet~ maybe in a week or two, yeah?

That's all for this week, lovelies! <3

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic
[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics - Rayne Ho

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Second Sighting: A Mirage AU Short

Alternate Universe
Alpha Belt
Mortal Realm

Camille Levina exhaled in disbelief as she watched her Assignment’s eyes widen in shock (and anger) at what was unfolding among the three people.

Andre Montes and Tristan de Agua were sitting next to each other on the bus, laughing and talking about whatever they wanted to talk about. It had relieved Camille when she saw that Andre was making friends easily; it made her happy to see him easily accept the initially quiet, withdrawn male. A smile came to her lips at the memory; one of the things she liked about Andre was how accepting he was when it came to other people.

It was a trait that not many people had those days, sadly. She thanked all the gods that her Assignment was decent – if she got someone bratty, then she wouldn’t know how to handle them at all.

However, that kind of accepting came at a small price.

See, there was supposed to be another person in the picture. Camille didn’t quite catch the full name of the other person, but she had heard Andre ask that morning if someone named Joseph was going to be on time. When they answered that it was unsure, Andre proceeded to take Joseph’s seat – the one next to Tristan’s.

Camille couldn’t blame her Assignment for doing that, really. In that situation, it was the most logical of them all. Andre didn’t want to leave Tristan sitting alone and besides, their teacher would most likely make him move anyway.

So there they were a few hours ago, next to each other and talking excitedly about where they would go for the day. Tristan said that they were going to some kind of museum and Andre wondered what they would see.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Character Aesthetics: Marion Salazar

"The world is nothing without art."

Ignite: A FC/UC Short

The Nexus
Creation Era
xxxx, X.X.

“This was home.”

“It still is, Amina,” Calor attempted as he placed a hand on his sister’s shoulder. “We just live elsewhere now. But you know that classic saying, right?” the girl turned her green eyes onto him questioningly and the Fire Deity tapped her nose with an amused look in his eyes. “Home is where the heart is.”

“Mine is still here,” she admitted. Calor then smiled and took his sister’s hand. “My heart is still there. This is still home…even if we made our own separate places.” Calor nodded and Amina gave him a smile of her own. “Thank you, Calor. I…I think we should meet our other siblings now.”

“Go ahead.”


“Go ahead, Amina.” He let go of his sister’s hand and turned away, “I’d like to get some peace and quiet in here before I go and meet them. You know how they get. Especially Unda and I.” she gave an understanding nod and hurried away, Calor listening to her steps before walking down the halls of their old home.

It only seemed like yesterday when Vito broke in and delivered them the news with a broken look on his face. He remembered how the rest of them took it; Amina looked destroyed, Unda’s eyes were wide and filled with fear, and Ventus had the blankest look on his face. On the outside, it seemed like the eldest of them was trying to maintain his calm, but Calor could tell that the Air Deity was trying his best to not break in front of them.

And Calor?

Calor was emotion and fire and fury.