Friday, July 10, 2015

Stranded: A Squad Alpha Short

Matt and A’s Home
Tokyo, Japan
July 2015

“Coming out was a terrible idea.”

“Aren’t you comfortable in your own sexuality?”

“Fucking sod off,” Mack groaned. “I didn’t mean it like that. By that, I mean deciding to drive all the way to A’s was a terrible idea. Because look – none of us can go out because of the shite weather.” At that, the twosome’s eyes glanced at the windows. The outside was drenched – the rains suddenly decided to crash hard, and even from the inside they could hear the intense fall of rain. Peters, who was merely messing with the available game console, shrugged.

“Doesn’t really matter to me. It’s not like A’s place is some kind of abandoned warehouse or something, we’ll survive here.” At that, Mack sighed and glanced at his phone. There was still no response from Jian, who chose to overtime at the Keiji on that night.

“If you say so.”

In the kitchen was A and Touta, A talking quietly on her phone while Touta prepared hot drinks for the four of them. He listened her speak to Matt and set the four mugs on a tray, waiting for her to finish before moving back into the living room. “Stay safe, love,” she murmured. “I think it’s best if you stay with Kenichi over there first.”

“I know. What a pain in the ass. Is your squad there?”

“Mhm. They came over since it’s holiday and they didn’t really have anything much to do, but the rains decided to bitch on us,” she explained.

“Ahh. That’s alright – we’ve got enough blankets in case they need to stay the night.” This made her smile and they talked for a minute more until A got off the phone, tucking the mobile device into her pocket. Touta gave a smile.

“Matt stranded, too?”

“Apparently so…he’s got Kenichi as company, though, and they’re still at the office. Kenichi isn’t sure if the rain’s going to let out.” She took her mint green mug and took a sip, the warm coffee making her feel a tinge better. “Thanks, T – you still know how I take my coffee.”

“I know everyone’s,” he chuckled, and they went back into the living room. Immediately did Mack come over and take the purple mug, Peters hanging back and continuing to play on Matt’s FPS. “Any updates?”

“Not a single one.” Macmillan looked at his tablet, “Signal is starting to get sketchy. Probably why Jian isn’t able to reply.”

“That, or there’s a sudden amount of customers who just rushed in, trying to get away from the rain.” A took her place on the couch, eyes fixed on the TV screen. “Pete, can you switch back to news for a few?”

“Got it.” the American paused and A took the remote, switching immediately to the news. Instantly did reports of rain appear, the reports showing various parts of Tokyo already struck by rain. There were a few students who complained, drivers honking on the road; as cheesy as it sounded, the rain had really dampened everyone’s spirits. “Looks like shit,” Peters commented. “And road hell for the most part.”

Mack groaned. “I’m not looking forward to that.”

Touta frowned and took a sip from his mug, soon passing Peters the blue one. “A? Is Matt alright with us staying over?”

“He’s got no problem with it. I just need to fish out the blankets.” Her eyes fell on the two couches available, “I don’t have a guest room but there’s a lot of space here. Someone just has to take the floor.”

“I’ll do it,” Peters volunteered, leaning into the couch and drinking his coffee. “Ground’s colder and I like the cold.” The two other males agreed and A hopped out of the living room shortly to search for the blankets; Mack excused himself to help her.

As Peters and Touta watched the news, Peters found himself switching back to the game. “The weather is shit. Hasn’t been this bad for the longest time,” he sighed. Touta nodded sympathetically.

“That’s true.” Thunder boomed from the outside and they cringed, “Shit. We really are going to stay the night, huh.”

“That’s what it looks like…” the twosome heard a fumble and turned around, spotting A with the blankets and Mack with the pillows. “Need help?”

“We’re good,” came A’s muffled voice. She draped one across the nearest couch and slung the other over the occupied one, Mack dropping pillows on the two males as he went. “That should be enough. Think it’ll be cold in here?”

“I hope not. Those are all the spare blankets available,” she explained. Her eyes fell on the screen and she made a face, “Pete, you’re just like Matt.”

“What? I haven’t played in some time.”

* * * * *


 “Dream occupation when you were younger.”

A was the first to speak up. “A pianist. They really honed your most special skill, so I thought I would end up being a famous pianist. Turns out the orphanage had other plans.” She gestured to the piano in the room, “I wanted to play music. They tried to get me into other instruments, but I was dedicated to the piano until I sort of fell out of it and chose to take up something more realistic.”

“Play something for us,” Mack prompted. A shook her head and swept her hair into a neat bun.

“Nah. The rains will just block the noise,” she replied, nudging the forensic scientist after. “You?”

“Undecided, honestly. Forensic science just came like divine intervention,” Mack said truthfully. “I was in my sophomore year of college, studying in an IT course when I realized I wanted something more intense.”

“Masochist,” Peters laughed. “College is hell enough, yet you wanted to take it to the next level?”

“Believe it or not, yeah.” He flashed a smirk, “I made it alive and with my degree. Trust me. For the most of my life, I didn’t know what the fuck I wanted to do. So ForSci came as a surprise to everyone. Especially me.”

Peters shrugged and stretched. “I wanted to be an athlete. I actually had a sports scholarship to one of the colleges I applied for. If Jake could excel in the field of medicine, then I could go for athleticism. He was never the running type. Jake’s a fucking twig.”

“Quarterback and captain?” Touta inquired. Peters grinned slightly; for a moment, he could see it all in his head.

“God, yes. Remember the old glory days with the team and making it to the championships. It’s an amazing memory. If A had her piano, Mack his epiphany and my glory days…then that leaves you, T.” three pairs of eyes swiveled to the Japanese, who laughed awkwardly and fumbled at the blanket he was unfolding.

“Me? It’s nothing as awe-inspiring.” Mack rolled his eyes.

“Mine has to be the most fucking boring. I had no direction in life.”

Touta took the moment to pause and think, “…my two older sisters were already doing amazing things. Well. I might have wanted to be a teacher at some point. Either a teacher or someone who helped others in general,” he shared. “I lied to my parents and told them I wanted business to make them happy. But my heart was in serving people.”

“Funny how we’ve ended up all the way here,” A said after a few beats of silence. “Except for Mack.”

“Hey,” the other defended, “I had no idea I’d end up in Tokyo. Let alone Asia. I’m just as stumped as you guys are.” Peters gave a chuckle and Touta stretched, A merely watching. “Someone’s beat.”

“Touta is. I think that’s a sign.” Touta attempted to protest but A shushed him, rising afterwards. Peters snickered and took his place on the floor while Mack attempted to make himself comfortable on the couch. “Thanks for letting us stay over, A. And for letting us raid the fridge.”

She rolled her eyes, touching the light switch. “Be thankful Matt stocked it yesterday. Or else we’d be living on instant noodles and coffee.”

“Feels like college all over again,” Peters snickered. “Good night, guys.”

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