Monday, July 27, 2015

Russ' Updates #043: Prelude to August

Hi, Darlings! How are you all doing? 

"You owe me something, Russie."
...I know, Calor. Huhu. I promise I'll post your last short this week. :( 

Anyway, I hope you guys have been well! As of today, there are six days left until August, meaning six more days until the Third Blogsary Celebration! ...come to think of it, holy crap that is fast. It's like, five more days until August 1 and roughly fifteen days until my first day of classes. 

I'm afraid, guys. Help.

Please do keep me in your thoughts and/or prayers for today! I'll be enlisting for my first semester Natural Sciences and Physical Education classes, and I'm really hoping that I'll be able to get a slot in the subjects I like. For Physical Education, I'm praying I'll either get into Ballroom Dancing or Taichi; for my NatSci, I just want to get into something that doesn't involve having to care for a plant. 

ALSO: I'm going to be a little busy from July 29 - August 1! ADMU's Freshmen Orientation Seminar will be on the first two days, and then the SOH (School of Humanities) Fest will be on August 1. Agin, I'm excited and honestly terrified. Please hope that I don't end up making a fool of of myself. ;_;

This past week has been...really, really big for me. I can't exactly tell why as of now, but it's something I chose to push through with after days of contemplating. :) I'll talk about it more in the months to come!

Transcendence's Aesthetics have come to an end! I actually have no idea which project to Aesthetic-size for now, so that series might be taking a break for this week. *nods* 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[ ] Russie Writes: An OTP Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: TGSC Teaser #03
[x] Russie Launches: TGSC '15

That's all for this week's Russ Date! Hope you guys are just as excited for August as I am~

"Have an amazing week, everybody."

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