Monday, July 13, 2015

Russ' Updates #041: Teasers

Hello, Darlings!

"Hope everyone's doing well."
A bit of story time: my friends came over this weekend and holy shit I don't think we were able to get that much sleep in. Considering that we played more than two rounds of Cards Against Humanity and devoured nearly three boxes of pizza, I can safely say that this weekend was a ray of sunshine despite the heavy rains and all that.

Speaking of heavy rains - to any of my Filipino readers, I hope you guys are safe! :( Rains suspended most classes last week and the floods haven't been the best. Typhoon's gone for now, so I hope you guys are hella safe and hella dry. *peace sign*

Last week was okay - the Aesthetic series continued, there was a gifset posted, a short prompted by Rothie (and the freaking rains) - and there was something else, right? :>

July 10 marked the first TGSC Teaser; it's linked so you guys can go check it out. :D Judging by the graphic, it's pretty obvious who my main stars for this August will be. As for the name of the celebration, use the white text as your main clue! Once you link that to the white text, I think you'll get the name quite easily~

"Aha - I see what you did there."

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Writes: An OTP Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics - Kyle Geronimo

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